NELVANA LIMITED, Canada's largest animation studio and internationalproducer of quality programming, has exciting opportunities in their 3-Ddivision. They are currently looking to fill the following positions:TECHNICAL DIRECTOR (5 positions) with experience using Maya, Wavefront orSoftimage and proficiency in Unix and Unix scripting; CG MODELER (3positions) with proficiency in Nurbs and polygonal modeling using Maya,Wavefront or Softimage with previous animation production experience.Knowledge of Unix commands and shells scripts is required; COMPUTERANIMATOR (1 position) with two years experience animating with Softimageand some Maya experience. Classical Animation experience is a plus.
Nelvana's expanding 2D Series Division requires DIRECTORS with previousexperience directing an animated feature or television series withstoryboard and animation skills.
Please send your resume and demo reel to Deborah Fallows, Director ofRecruiting, Nelvana Limited, 32 Atlantic Avenue, Toronto, M6K 1X8, Canada.Deadline: June 8, 1999. Interviews will be scheduled in Los Angeles andToronto.