Creative Planet's AWN is recruiting! We are looking for an EDITOR for the AWN ANIMATION RESOURCE GUIDE and an AFFILIATE PROGRAM MANAGER to help us grow our Affiliate Program.
Austin-based Pickle Studios, a small, home-based animation studio producing original animation for the Internet, is looking for a 2D ANIMATOR/ILLUSTRATOR. . . Jacob's Gift, a USC Graduate thesis film,is looking for a 3D MODELER/ANIMATOR . . . New York-based Urban Box Office Network, a webcasting studio, is looking for a 3D MAX CHARACTER ANIMATOR. . . München, Germany-based Munich Animation is looking for CHARACTER ANIMATORS, ASST. ANIMATORS, LAYOUT & BG ARTISTS, EFX ANIMATORS and CG ANIMATORS for a new feature film. . . Zeros & Ones, Inc., a rapidly-growing broadband company developing original entertainment properties, is looking for an ANIMATION DIRECTOR and ANIMATORS for a web-based animated series. . . Unbound Studios, an interactive entertainment company, is looking for an ANIMATOR for freelance work. . . Los Angeles, California-based Creative Planet, a rapidly growing network of entertainment industry, business-to-business web sites, is looking for an ASSOCIATE PRODUCER for its site. . ., producers of backgrounds for animated movies, is looking for a BACKGROUND ARTIST. . . Washington, DC-based Capital Children's Museum is looking for a CLAY ANIMATION INSTRUCTOR for children grades 3-10 and a MULTIMEDIA INSTRUCTOR for children grades 3-5. . . Santa Monica, California-based Green Dog Entertainment Inc., a cooperative bringing emerging filmmakers to the Web and beyond, is looking for a CREATIVE DIRECTOR and ONLINE PRODUCTION MANAGER. . . New York-based Nickelodeon Digital Lab, a growing division of Nickelodeon, is looking for a CREATIVE DIRECTOR/DESIGNER. . . Los Angeles, California-based and Brooklyn, NY-based Loop Filmworks, an award-winning animation company, is looking for a FLASH ANIMATOR. . . Beverly Hills, California-based Dali Media, Inc., a startup/Internet digital production company, is looking for a FLASH SUPERVISOR. . . Portland Oregon-based Will Vinton Studios, an Academy Award, Emmy Award and Clio winning dimensional animation company, is looking for a MANAGER of STAFF DEVELOPMENT. . . Aniphile, a performance animation company, is looking for a PERSONAL ASSISTANT to the president. . . Bristol, UK-based Hamilton Mattress Limited is looking for experienced STOP-FRAME ANIMATORS for a 35mm thirty minute special for BBC Television directed by Barry Purves.
For more information about these and other jobs, check out AWN's Career Connections, the online Animation Job Fair.