New Jobs: Animators, Digital Artists, Directors, Instructors, Managers and More.

Creative Planet's AWN is recruiting! We are looking for an EDITOR for the AWN ANIMATION RESOURCE GUIDE and an AFFILIATE PROGRAM MANAGER to help us grow our Affiliate Program.

Austin-based Pickle Studios, a small, home-based animation studio producing original animation for the Internet, is looking for a 2D ANIMATOR/ILLUSTRATOR. . . Jacob's Gift, a USC Graduate thesis film,is looking for a 3D MODELER/ANIMATOR . . . New York-based Urban Box Office Network, a webcasting studio, is looking for a 3D MAX CHARACTER ANIMATOR. . . München, Germany-based Munich Animation is looking for CHARACTER ANIMATORS, ASST. ANIMATORS, LAYOUT & BG ARTISTS, EFX ANIMATORS and CG ANIMATORS for a new feature film. . . Zeros & Ones, Inc., a rapidly-growing broadband company developing original entertainment properties, is looking for an ANIMATION DIRECTOR and ANIMATORS for a web-based animated series. . . Unbound Studios, an interactive entertainment company, is looking for an ANIMATOR for freelance work. . . Los Angeles, California-based Creative Planet, a rapidly growing network of entertainment industry, business-to-business web sites, is looking for an ASSOCIATE PRODUCER for its site. . ., producers of backgrounds for animated movies, is looking for a BACKGROUND ARTIST. . . Washington, DC-based Capital Children's Museum is looking for a CLAY ANIMATION INSTRUCTOR for children grades 3-10 and a MULTIMEDIA INSTRUCTOR for children grades 3-5. . . Santa Monica, California-based Green Dog Entertainment Inc., a cooperative bringing emerging filmmakers to the Web and beyond, is looking for a CREATIVE DIRECTOR and ONLINE PRODUCTION MANAGER. . . New York-based Nickelodeon Digital Lab, a growing division of Nickelodeon, is looking for a CREATIVE DIRECTOR/DESIGNER. . . Los Angeles, California-based and Brooklyn, NY-based Loop Filmworks, an award-winning animation company, is looking for a FLASH ANIMATOR. . . Beverly Hills, California-based Dali Media, Inc., a startup/Internet digital production company, is looking for a FLASH SUPERVISOR. . . Portland Oregon-based Will Vinton Studios, an Academy Award, Emmy Award and Clio winning dimensional animation company, is looking for a MANAGER of STAFF DEVELOPMENT. . . Aniphile, a performance animation company, is looking for a PERSONAL ASSISTANT to the president. . . Bristol, UK-based Hamilton Mattress Limited is looking for experienced STOP-FRAME ANIMATORS for a 35mm thirty minute special for BBC Television directed by Barry Purves.

For more information about these and other jobs, check out AWN's Career Connections, the online Animation Job Fair.