Here’s what you need to know to make your festival stay a bit easier; the oldest and largest North American animation runs September 25-29, 2024.
Ottawa International Animation Festival (OIAF) is North America’s oldest and largest animation festival and features some of the world’s most quirky, provocative, and inspiring animation. The event hosts a multitude of animation events including screenings, exhibits, workshops, and entertainment. OIAF is an annual five-day event bringing art and industry together in a vibrant celebration. The festival runs September 25-29, 2024.
With the event less than a month away, here’s what OIAF organizers want you to know:
Where to stay?
Festival accommodations in Ottawa are becoming “Slim Pickins” but the team has compiled a list of available accommodations on the OIAF website and will continually update it – check it out here.
Organizers add, their team is available to help with accommodations, email them here(link sends e-mail).
Give back to get back:
Volunteering at OIAF is a unique way to get involved in the animation industry, earn volunteer hours for school, meet new people, and learn new skills.
Volunteers who complete more than two shifts (a total of eight hours) earn a Volunteer Pass. The Pass provides access to most of the festival’s events outside of volunteer shifts.
Get more information here.
The Animation Conference (TAC) brings together key players from North America and international markets, and provides a forum for active networking, practical information exchange and trade in a comfortable and intimate environment.
Celebrate 20 years of TAC from September 25 to 27, 2024, at the National Arts Centre. Get more information here.
Animation Exposé is a series of daytime events curated to enhance participant’s experience and understanding of the world of animation.
The one-day event features Artist Talks, recruiting opportunities, an exhibitor’s fair with animation schools and studios, and live sketching activities. This year’s Animation Exposé takes place on September 28 at the National Arts Centre. Get more information here.
Buy passes and check out the schedule here.
Source: OIAF