Slapstick CG-animated short film from New Delhi-based Pencillati Studios was created entirely in open-source 3D animation software Blender.
New Delhi-based Pencillati Studios has released its slapstick 3D-animated short film, The Bloop Troop, online.
The product of six months of labor by a team of six artists, The Bloop Troop was created entirely in Blender, an open-source equivalent of Autodesk Maya 3D animation software. Developed in order to test the integration of Blender into the studio’s pipeline, the short employs physical humor and broad jokes to depict a universal scenario.
Directed by Ram Singh produced by Vivek Singh Sidhu, The Bloop Troop revolves around the three main characters -- the Archer, the Barbarian and the Knight -- as they wage a war on humankind’s oldest and most formidable enemy: The Fly.
“Although we are happy with the results we realized it was very much possible to aim even higher in terms of quality and scale of production within existing setup,” Singh comments.
Watch the short in the player below:
“The idea of The Bloop Troop started taking shape towards the end of 2015 as we developed few visual art pieces and wrote more about the plot. There is more to these characters than this short film,” Singh says. “We see a lot of short films and animation these days explored in several mediums and styles, but we finally decided to stick to the slapstick style of humor we grew up enjoying in old cartoons such as Tom and Jerry and The Road Runner.”