Two-week theatrical engagement for documentary feature exploring the life of country doctor and professional huckster J.R. Brinkley continues through July 5 at New York City’s Film Forum.
NEW YORK -- Film Forum has announced the U.S. theatrical premiere of NUTS!, beginning Wednesday, June 22. In 1917, J.R. Brinkley, a country doctor practicing in Milford, Kansas, begins treating his male patients for impotence by surgically implanting them with goat glands, a treatment that is so successful that Brinkley starts raising his own goats to meet an increasing demand. Over the years he builds the country’s 4th most powerful radio station (the better to sell his medical miracle), runs for governor of Kansas, and amasses a fortune with which he lives in sumptuous splendor.
Filmmaker Penny Lane writes, “Like Our Nixon, my previous feature-length film, NUTS! is structured as classical tragedy with a complicated and deeply hubristic protagonist, rendered with equal parts comedy and pathos.”
Inventive and wildly fun, NUTS! draws upon a fascinating trove of archival materials and integrates charming animated sequences that, together, bring to life a man who saw himself as more Albert Schweitzer than P.T. Barnum, but who ultimately turns out to be an unholy mix of Bernie Madoff and Donald Trump.
NUTS! will have a 2-week engagement June 22 – July 5 at Film Forum, 209 W. Houston St. (West of 6th Ave.), with screenings daily at 12:30, 2:20, 4:15, 6:10, 8:00, and 9:50.
NUTS! (2016, 79 mins.) Directed by Penny Lane. Written by Thom Stylinski. Producers: James Belfer, Caitlin Mae Burke, Penny Lane, Daniel Shepard. Editors: Penny Lane and Thom Stylinski. Illustrated and animated by: Drew Christie, Hazel Lee Santino, Michael Pisano, Rose Stark, Krystal Downs, Julia Veldman, Ace & Son Moving Picture Co., LLC. Original Score: Brian McOmber. The Narrator: Gene Tognacci. Voice Actors: Andy Boswell, John Causby, Kelly Mizell, Jeff Pillars, Thom Stylinskii, Fran Taylor. In English. USA. Released by Cartuna.
Source: Film Forum