Deadline for submissions to the specialized program dedicated to providing producers with potential career-changing pitching opportunities us July 15.

Selected presenters will have 10 minutes each to pitch their ideas to over 250 potential buyers, financiers, partners, and industry professionals, and a panel of today’s top influencers (last year’s panel included representatives from Nickolodeon, TELETOON, Amazon, and PBS). A kids jury will also provide feedback to presenters in real time in front of a live audience.
“PITCH THIS! gives everyone [in the TAC audience] a chance to see a producer deliver their concept while industry professionals react in a very raw and spontaneous way,” says Athena Georgakalis, Director of Content for TELETOON and former PITCH THIS! panelist. “For the pitchee, the exposure is excellent. They pitch not only to the panelists but to everyone in the room and opportunities have been created because of moments like these.”
Georgakalis was a PITCH THIS! panelist in 2010 when Mike Geiger pitched his idea for a series called Winston Steinberger and Sir Dudley Ding Dong. "I was so impressed that [TELETOON] put the show into development shortly after and it is now in production," she says.
The TAC committee will be accepting proposals until the July 15th deadline. Those interested are encouraged to submit proposals via e-mail to (link sends e-mail)(link sends e-mail). Project proposals should be geared for children ages 6-12 and must include a synopsis, bios of key project executives, a short paragraph detailing the project’s current stage of development, and 2-3 samples of concept art.
Selected presenters will receive an All-Access pass and three nights’ accommodation during the Ottawa International Animation Festival (OIAF) and TAC. The OIAF is a major animation event which takes place each September.
Source: The Animation Conference