Pixeldust Studios, a multi-award winning digital animation and broadcast design studio, has created a dramatic presentation of prehistoric creatures that will be featured in a one hour special presentation of the “Explorer” series airing Feb 14th (7 & 10 PM) on the National Geographic Channel.
Press Release from Pixeldust Studios
Bethesda, MD, February 14, 2011 – Pixeldust Studios, a multi-award winning digital animation and broadcast design studio, has created a dramatic presentation of prehistoric creatures that will be featured in a one hour special presentation of the “Explorer” series airing Feb 14th (7 & 10 PM) on the National Geographic Channel. Ricardo Andrade, President and Creative Director, Pixeldust Studios, made the announcement.
Pixeldust’s animation work illustrates the abundance of new wildlife that arose from the extraordinary geological shift that took place 60 million years ago between the North and South American continents. To view this work, please see: http://www.pixeldust.tv/featured/01/ Regarding this special, New Pony Productions’ Ron Bowman, producer/director/writer of “Clash of the Americas,” said, “This project involved a great deal of animation depicting prehistoric creatures—the demand for animation here was intense. Ricardo and his team at Pixeldust Studios and I needed to come up with a new approach; working jointly we developed a new way to present prehistoric animation in an unusual style, with a kind of ‘graphic novel’ look and feel. The animations evolve from frame to frame, and are dramatic and immersive.”
ABOUT “CLASH OF THE AMERICAS”:The “Clash of the Americas” may have been one of the most cataclysmic geologic events of the last 60 million years, an event which shaped America as we know it today. The narrow, 400-mile-long Isthmus of Panama, once buried below the sea, rose up and connected North and South America. This new land bridge unleashed astonishing animal encounter: Prehistoric predators and prey each unique to their worlds came face-to-face for the first time. The “Clash of the Americas” edition of National Geographic Channel’s “Explorer” series, featuring animations from Pixeldust Studios, will air on Feb. 14th.
ABOUT NEW PONY PRODUCTIONS:Ron Bowman, founder of New Pony Productions, has been producing award-winning documentary television and media projects over the last 20 years for, among others: National Geographic, Discovery Channel, ABC News, PBS, The Smithsonian, A&E, TLC. His credits as producer, director, writer and animation designer have appeared on documentaries covering some of the most challenging and entertaining subjects in science, history, culture, nature and public affairs. He has traveled to some of the most remote places on the planet on behalf of projects exploring critical issues of the day. Bowman directed one of National Geographic’s highest rated specials for 2008: Six Degrees Could Change the World on global warming.
Bowman’s work has been recognized with the highest awards for both network and cable programming, including the Peabody Broadcasting Award and numerous Emmy nominations, including Best Directing, Best Overall Documentary, Best Animation. Please see: http://www.newponypix.com/who_what_where.html
ABOUT PIXELDUST STUDIOS:Pixeldust Studios LLC is an Emmy and Telly Award winning digital animation and broadcast design studio with the technical, creative and production capabilities to create innovative animations and motion graphic design for major broadcast and cable television clients. The company, which has delivered hundreds of hours of broadcast animation to its clients, specializes in combining proprietary techniques with world-class creative talent to develop character animation, visual effects, motion graphics, and digitally animated sequences seen within television series, specials, mini-series, documentaries, docu-dramas, and reality programming, as well as within on-air promotional campaigns. Founded in 2004 by Creative Director Ricardo Andrade, Pixeldust Studios is based in Bethesda, MD (in the Greater Washington, D.C., area) and in New York City. Andrade, a multi-award winning designer, and his company are highly regarded for their work on behalf of such prestigious clients as Discovery Channel, Discovery Health Channel, TLC, Animal Planet, Military Channel, National Geographic Channel, National Geographic Television, NBC News, PBS, A&E, History Channel, NOVA, National Geographic International, NHNZ, Speed Channel, True TV, “Frontline,” Spike and the Smithsonian Network. Pixeldust Studios is headquartered at 4350 East-West Highway, Suite # 350, Bethesda, MD, 20814. The phone is 301/656-0050. The company’s Manhattan office is located at 584 Broadway, Suite # 612, NY, NY 10012, and the phone is 646/476-2053. For more info, please see: www.pixeldust.tv