Projections On Lake Open Call

Begun on June 18, 2007, "Projections" is a permanent public outdoor projection of artwork which operates year-round from dusk to 11:00 p.m. each evening on a wall at 415 South Lake Ave in Pasadena, California, USA.

As part of the city's percent for art program for the Granite Park luxury residential condominium development located at Granite Drive, this 15 x 20-foot projection is a selection of both still image and silent time-based media underscoring the unique power of purely visual content in artist-made films, videos and still images. Projections uses the Shops on Lake project, a redevelopment by Wasserman and already home to Vito Acconci's "Mobius Bench," as a canvas.

Projections is developing a library of silent artworks from which to draw for nightly programming. This will be an ongoing process; there is no deadline.

Each year a competition will award five artists $1,000 each, one to an artist under the age of 18, for work of high merit to be included in the Projections library. A panel of arts professionals will judge the submissions. The chosen works will be shown at a reception for the artists and enter the library of works.

The competition will be held in the fall; dates to be announced.

The transient setting and varied texture of the programming will dictate that primarily short, time-based media works as well as still images are most appropriate. However, work with rich content of any duration, which can be appreciated in passing, as well as studied at length, will be considered. The work can be narrative or abstract, but needs to be sensitive to local community standards of decency for public art.

The work will be projected in MPEG2 with at least a 720 x 480 resolution. Final versions will be accepted in other computer digital file formats such as Quick Time, AVI or MPEG2, as uncompressed as possible. FTP access is encouraged. Artwork accepted will be of a purely visual nature.

Works which are submitted that contain sound will be considered with the understanding that the visual component should stand on its own, and that the audio should not be integral to the piece.

To submit works for consideration for inclusion in the "Projections" library:

You may provide links to a streaming version on the Internet or for full, uncompressed artwork provide an FTP address, file name and password or email compressed representations no larger than 5 megabytes to:

All submissions must include:1. A short artists' biography2. A short, one paragraph, description of the work.

If accepted, the artist will return by mail a signed, non-exclusive artist's contract allowing "Projections" to use the clip for the life of the project, with the understanding that Projections will not use it anywhere else in any form without permission.

More information at
