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Sedelmaier Returns to SNL’s TV Funhouse

Live from New York City its J. J. Sedelmaier doing more TV FUNHOUSE segments for Saturday Night Live, with a new one scheduled to run on the season premiere this weekend, Oct. 1, 2005, on NBC during the late night show that starts at 11:30 pm. Sedelmaiers White Plains animation house JJSP introduced SNL audiences to such animated FUNHOUSE favorites as Fun with Real Audio, The X-Presidents and The Ambiguously Gay Duo.

The new spot features a politically-based installment of Fun with Real Audio, produced in collaboration with SNL writer/producer Robert Smigel. Sedelmaiers studio is re-creating and reformatting the opening and closing animated segments to TV FUNHOUSE which they originally produced nine years ago to accommodate the shows eventual transition to HDTV, Sedelmaier said. They had to add animation to extend the sides of the frame to HDTV aspect ratio, and adjust the existing composition to for viewing in a high definition format.

In March of 2004, the studio produced for SNL The Passion of the Dumpty, a parody of Mel Gibsons feature film, THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST. JJSP produced its last Ambiguously Gay Duo cartoon, titled The Third Leg of Justice, in the fall of 2002.

This new Fun with Real Audio cartoon may lead to more JJSP work on SNL. Weve been asked to consider contributing some of the cartoons again, said Sedelmaier Were intrigued by the offer and are considering it. He directed and was one of the designers on the new cartoon with head animators Dave Lovelace and Dan Madia. Its a great stage to play on, and its very gratifying that the studio still hears from fans of our original work for the show, Sedelmaier added.

J. J. Sedelmaier Prods. lair is located at the top of 199 Main Street in the landmark Bar Building, White Plains, NY 10601. The firm ( is represented for commercials in the midwest and west coast by Liz Laine Reps and on the east coast by Andy Arkin at Blah Blah Blah.