AWN is proud to host the first, official 27th Annual Annie Awards Showcaseon the Internet, in conjunction with ASIFA-Hollywood, The InternationalAnimated Film Society...
AWN is proud to host the first, official 27th Annual Annie Awards Showcaseon the Internet, in conjunction with ASIFA-Hollywood, The InternationalAnimated Film Society. We are pleased to present an early look at thenominees, with exciting Quicktime movie clips, images, and backgroundinformation. The Annie Awards Showcase proves again that AWN is the worldheadquarters for up-to-date animation news and events!
Visit the Annie Awards Showcase at
The winners will be presented with their awards at the Annie AwardsCeremony held on Saturday, November 6, 1999 at the Alex Theatre inGlendale, California. The 27th Annual Annie Awards will honor achievementsin the art of animation within twenty-three categories covering featurefilms, television programming and commercials, home videos and interactiveproductions. The black-tie event will be lead by masters of ceremony Pinky& The Brain...well, actually the award-winning humans behind the belovedcharacters: Rob Paulsen and Maurice LaMarche. Recognized as a classiccomedy duo, the evening promises to be a fun-filled experience for all.For tickets and information on the 27th Annual Annie Awards, please contactASIFA-Hollywood at (818) 842-8330. Complete information and ticket orderforms are also available on the ASIFA-Hollywood website: