List of important deadlines for submissions to SIGGRAPH Asia 2012.
Announcement from SIGGRAPH Asia:
SIGGRAPH Asia gathers the best of the industry and academia, where researchers, innovators, artists, producers and industry professionals present their ideas and concepts to the community.
This year, SIGGRAPH Asia will introduce a new program – Technical Briefs. The other programs include: Art Gallery, Computer Animation Festival, Courses, Emerging Technologies, Posters, Symposium on Apps, and Technical Papers.
Important Deadlines:
Art Gallery -- 5 June 2012 Computer Animation Festival -- 3 July 2012 Courses -- 7 June 2012 Emerging Technologies 26 June 2012 Posters -- 20 August 2012 Symposium on Apps -- 7 June 2012 Technical Briefs -- 20 August 2012 Technical Papers -- 22 May 2012
Student Volunteers: Applications Now Open
Always wanted to attend the SIGGRAPH Asia conference and trade exhibition, network with, and learn from the industry’s leaders and innovators? Experience all this while assisting and supporting Asia’s leading computer graphics and interactive techniques event as a Student Volunteer. Applications are open, sign up now!