Animation production company Soup2Nuts, is launching a new state-of-the-art division, Condensed Soup, dedicated to producing commercials, animated shorts, webisodes and network branding.
Best known for cable hits HOME MOVIES (Adult Swim), OGRADY (Noggin/ The N) and DR. KATZ: PROFESSIONAL THERAPIST (Comedy Central), Soup2Nuts decided it was timely to take the studios unique humor and animation style into the world of animated shorts and commercials.
Citing what the studio sees as a dramatically increased demand for shorts over the past few years, not only for television networks themselves, but also their websites, which increasingly offer content of their own. In addition, the growing use of animation in commercials, and the new frontier of animated shorts content on cell phones and PDAs, has ratcheted up demand to an all-time high.
Condensed Soup offers clients complete services through the entire production process in one location including character design, storyboards, animation, casting, recording, audio editing, sound design, original music and post-production. In addition, the studio uses nationally known comedians and improv actors as voice talent. Soup2Nuts director of development, Carl Adams, said that with Condensed Soup, Well be using our finely-tuned comic voice and unique art styles to fulfill the needs of the ever-growing shorts and commercial markets. He adds, Finally, a shorts business!
Condensed Soup is already in discussions with advertising agencies in San Francisco, New York and Boston and television networks, including MTV and Comedy Central.
Cartoon Network, which previously teamed up with Soup2Nuts on the award-winning series, HOME MOVIES, has commissioned three new series of shorts from Condensed Soup SURELY, YOU JOUST, TRAVEL LOGS and THADLOWS DRIVING SCHOOL. These shorts are scheduled to premiere in October on Cartoon Network.
While Condensed Soup stirs up new animated shorts and commercials, Soup2Nuts will continue to create and produce series for cable television and the networks. Currently, Soup2Nuts is producing THE NS HIT SERIES OGRADY and TIME WARP TRIO for Discovery Kids, NBC Saturday morning.
Soup2Nuts ( is an innovative Boston-based digital animation studio owned by Scholastic, the global childrens publishing and media company. Founded in 1994, Soup2Nuts quickly established a reputation as a successful and award-winning creator and producer of animated comedy programming with first hit, DR. KATZ: PROFESSIONAL THERAPIST on Comedy Central.