Store Special: Videos from Renowned Brazilian Animator

Now available in the AWN Store are two exclusive videos from renowned Brazilian Animator Marcos Magalhaes....

"Animation by Marcos Magalhaes" is a compilation of the works from animatorMarcos Magalhaes, including "Animando," a didactic film on animationtechniques -- a great introduction for every animation hopeful; "Meow!," afunny political tale which won the Jury's Prize at the Cannes FilmFestival; "Mão-Mãe;" "Bull on the Track;" and "Precipitation." "Eight PointStar" is the result of a unique experience in communicating the ideas of aso-called "mentally disabled" person through the language of animation.Animator Marcos Magalhaes, 38, worked with artist Fernando Diniz, 78,inside a mental institution in Rio de Janeiro, to make Fernando's dream ofmaking a film come true. Both videos are available for sale individually,or as a package. Respectively $19.95 and $11.95 plus shipping.

View this itemCheck out Animation World Magazine's May '98 issue. In "Eight Point Star: AMind Experience In Animation," Marcos Magalhaes relates his experiencesteaching the animation process to artist Fernando Diniz. The articleincludes Quicktime movies and is available in English and Portuguese.
