The help celebrate the 45th anniversary re-release of the Rolling Stones’ seminal album, ‘Sticky Fingers,’ Trunk Animation creates a lyric video for “Wild Horses.”
To help celebrate the 45th anniversary re-release of the Rolling Stones’ seminal album, Sticky Fingers, Trunk Animation was hired to create a lyric video for “Wild Horses.” The project follows Trunk’s very successful lyric video for “Doom and Gloom,” which has already racked up over 13 million views, making it most-watched video on the Rolling Stones YouTube channel.
Director Rok Predin notes that the project was somewhat daunting. “Some jobs are just very special and this was certainly one of them. Although we had worked for the Stones before, working on an album that is so famous was ever so slightly intimidating,” he commented. “We knew we had to include a zip, which referenced Andy Warhol’s iconic artwork that was used for the original album cover, and the typeface from the new booklet that accompanies the re-release of the album. Other than that we were pretty much given a free hand.”
The resulting video, created using Cinema 4D and After Effects, uses the track's gentle feel to create the pace, while the imagery evokes the song’s lyrics. Trunk Animation’s Layla Atkinson developed the artwork for the video using elements from the booklet that included the band members’ fingerprints and smudges. Photographs of the band were manipulated by the team and degraded in Photoshop, as was the typeface, to fit into the overall look and feel of the finished video.
For Atkinson, the most challenging part of the project had to be “scanning Rok’s beautiful 12-string guitar to create the sequence in which the fret board is zipped up.” The zip fob was made from John Pasche’s famous lips logo, which was especially appropriate as Sticky Fingers was the first album in which the logo appeared.
Producer Richard Barnett was thrilled with both the job and the finished video, especially given the tight turnaround. “While we love all the projects at Trunk it’s always nice to be asked by rock royalty to get involved with a release,” he said. “Layla, Rok and the team have done a great job. The track was originally a lullaby to Keith Richards’s son Marlon, and the tender pace of this video is far softer than the passionate pace of our previous Stones vid. So far it has been a very exciting time at Trunk with a big studio move just after finishing our Coldplay project, and now seeing in our new studio with a job for the Rolling Stones, it’s been a great start to the year!”
Source: Trunk Animation