On March 1, 2005, Turner Broadcasting, the creators of Cartoon Network, will launch Boomerang, the home of classic shows and stars from the Hanna-Barbera library in South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique, Malawi, Swaziland, Lesotho and Southern Angola. Boomerang will offer MultiChoices DStv channel 81subscribers a channel dedicated to shows such as WACKY RACES, CAPTAIN CAVEMAN, THE HAIR BEAR BUNCH, DASTARDLY AND MUTTLEY and INCH HIGH PRIVATE EYE.
Helen Lucy, channel manager/director of marketing at Turner Broadcasting, said, It is fantastic to start 2005 with such an exciting announcement. The launch of Boomerang gives us the opportunity to offer an even wider animation selection to cartoon lovers in the Southern African region. Boomerang will open the eyes of younger viewers to these animation classics for the first time and older audiences will get to enjoy their magic again.
She added, Cartoon Network is extremely popular with DStv viewers and we are delighted to be able to offer them an additional animated entertainment channel. Boomerang is a wonderful channel with appeal for all ages, an enormous range of cartoons and its a great place for people to go when they want to relax and laugh -- we hope everyone will enjoy it!
Maggie Eales, svp at Turner Broadcasting, said, We are thrilled to see the arrival of Boomerang on the DStv platform and see this as a very positive step for our partnership. We now have four channels on the DStv bouquet and are looking forward to working together in 2005 to further strengthen our relationship and the offerings to our subscribers.
Linda Vermaas, MultiChoices gm of content, commented, We listen very closely to the needs of our viewers, and parents have been asking us for cartoon content that is aimed at tiny tots. Cartoon Network is an extremely popular channel on our platform, but its target audience is older boys and girls, and it even attracts an adult audience. We are confident that Boomerang will fill the gap and offer parents and youngsters alike, entertainment that is delightful, familiar and safe.