Connecting the Animation Community with the public through a 30-minute program of the best short animated films to be produced in the UK over the past year.
In conjunction with the BBC Big Screens, Show Me The Animation is seeking the best short animated films produced in the past 12 months from across the UK in order to create a short-list of the highest quality. This shortlist will be narrowed down by a selection of award-winning animators/directors to choose a final 30 minute animation program.
This special animation screening will be shown across the entire network of Big Screens for the week commencing 8th December. The BBC big screens are located all across the UK including Belfast, Birmingham, Bradford, Bristol, Cardiff, Coventry, Derby, Derry, Dover, Edinburgh, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, Manchester, Middlesbrough, Norwich, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Salford, Swansea, Swindon, Waltham Forest (London), Woolwich (London).
Animators who would like thier film to be shortlisted for this special BBC big screens national animation screening should visit
To qualify for inclusion in the screening film makers must reside in the UK and the film must have been produced in the last 12 months and be suitable for all ages.
Source: Show Me The Animation