This Week At Animation World Magazine

Each week, Animation World Magazine offers new articles, special features and theme-based coverage of the art, craft and industry of animation. New this week...

Each week, Animation World Magazine offers new articles, special features and theme-based coverage of the art, craft and industry of animation. New this week:

- Sketching on Location: AtmosphereRenowned drawing instructor Glenn Vilppu continues with his eleventh "sketching on location" teaching installment. This month we delve into one of the trickiest realms -- creating the illusion of atmosphere.

- Nine And A Half Questions With Barbara Perry BabbittWill Ryan interviews Barbara Perry Babbitt -- actress, dancer, singer and Mrs. Art Babbitt.

- TV Review: Aaagh! It's The Mr. Hell Show!Jerry Beck reviews Aaagh! It's The Mr. Hell Show! and finds that this might be the closest thing to what Tex Avery would have done with today's tools, minuscule budgets and a modern sensibility.
