Each week, Animation World Magazine offers new articles, special features and theme-based coverage of the art, craft and industry of animation. New this week...
Each week, Animation World Magazine offers new articles, special features and theme-based coverage of the art, craft and industry of animation. New this week:
- An Interview With Richard WilliamsDean Kalman Lennert interviews Richard Williams on his new book, music, 3D vs. 2D and more.
- Walt Disney's Nine Old Men & The Art Of AnimationRobin Allan reviews John Canemaker's new book, "Walt Disney's Nine Old Men & The Art Of Animation," and declares it "one of the few great books on the golden age of Disney."
- The Animator's Survival Kit: The Most Valuable How To Animate BookYou Will Ever Want To OwnKarl Cohen reviews or shall we say revels in Richard Williams new book, a masterpiece on how to animate.
- The Animation Pimp: Greetings from St. HelenaEnraged by why certain films are screened at festivals and others aren't? The Animation Pimp tells it like it is from INSIDE the festival room.