Toonz Animation India, a new animation production studio and full-servicefacility, will host "A Week with the Masters," which will bring the topnames in international animation pre-production together to discuss theimportance of story boarding, character design, and story development.Among the guests will be keynote speaker Rob Coleman, Industrial Light &Magic's Animation Supervisor on STAR WARS EPISODE I: THE PHANTOM MENACE;producer-director-writer Derek Lamb; Ian Diamond of Cartoon Network;Maurice Noble, art designer for many Warner Bros. classics; and Ishu Patel,an Academy Award-nominee and multiple award-winning Indian animator whocurrently serves as a professor at USC's School of Cinema/Television in thedivision of animation and digital arts. The event takes place Monday,November 1 - Friday, November 5 in Trivandrum, Kerala, India. For moreinformation visit