The Ottawa International Student Animation Festival (SAFO) announced the grand prize winners in this year'scompetition on Sunday, October 24, 1999. The festival stated that, "Thisyear's winners show the high quality of work coming out of schools, bothlocally, nationally, and internationally."
The winners in the various competitions are as follows as reported by thefestival:
Grand Prix: Best Film In Competition -- GRACE, Lorelei Pepi, USA
Grand Prix: Best School In Competition -- Royal College of Art, England
Directors Prize -- BERMUDA, Ulo Pikkov, Estonia
First Prize: High School/Secondary Level -- JAVA NOIR, Raf Anzouin, USA
First Prize: Undergraduate/First Year Films -- MISTER SMILE, Fran Krause, USA
Nelvana Award For Best Graduate Film -- PASSPORT, Siri Melchior, England
Cartoon Network Award For Best First Film -- MONSTER, Alexey Antonov, Russia
Teletoon Award For Best Film By A Child -- Mari Lwyd, The Children Of PlasNewydd School, Maesteg, Wales
The films that won in specialized categories at SAFO '99 are:
ASIFA-Canada Award For Best Canadian Film -- LITTLE MILOS, Jakub Pistecky
Alias|Wavefront Award For Best Computer Film -- THE LITTLEST ROBO, RichardKenworthy, England
Chromacolour Award For Best Use Of Colour -- AT THE DROP OF A HAT, HotessaLaurence, England
Special Jury Citation For Best Use Of Sound -- BERMUDA, Ulo Pikkov, Estonia
Special Jury Citation For Best Film Design -- THE DOUBLE INVENTION IN AMINOR, Vladimir Kral, Slovakia
Special Jury Citation For Best Non-Narrative -- EDGEWAYS, Sandra Gibson, USA
SAFO is a leading force in recognizing the talent of emerging animators.The festival ran successfully at the National Archives of Canada in Ottawafrom October 21-24, 1999. Ottawa 2000 will run from September 19-24, 2000in Ottawa, Canada. For further festival information or general inquiries,please call the Ottawa International Animation Festival at (613) 232-8769.