The 2nd annual event opens VFX challenge, #EscapeToTheMoon, to anyone, anywhere; event will be live streamed from Tokyo, Japan December 6 and 8 with winners showcased throughout – submission deadline is September 30.
Following the popularity of the 2023 World VFX Day Challenge, #EscapeToTheMoon, launched by the event’s official education partner Escape Studios, exclusively for their students, the same challenge is issued for World VFX Day 2024, but this year it’s open to anyone, anywhere, worldwide.
‘A Trip to The Moon’ (Le Voyage Das La Lune) a 1902 Sci-Fi movie by the “Godfather of VFX,” Georges Méliès inspired the challenge.
Check out last year’s entries via Escape Studios’ Instagram here.
The event will be live streamed from Tokyo, Japan December 6 and 8 on the World VFX YouTube channel with the winners showcased throughout.
Check out the rules for the #EscapeToTheMoon2024 challenge here. Submission deadline is September 30.
Source: World VFX Day