Nexus Help Progressive Take Flight in 3 New Animated Spots
Director Conor Finnegan taps his stop-motion roots to bring texture and personality to new feathered friends Chuck and Gina featured in the insurance company’s first 3D animated campaign.
Director Conor Finnegan taps his stop-motion roots to bring texture and personality to new feathered friends Chuck and Gina featured in the insurance company’s first 3D animated campaign.
Studio and director Conor Finnegan teamed up with BBDO NYC to create Macy’s new holiday campaign starring a little blue reindeer who discovers she can fly; the 60-second stop-motion commercial will air across television and online video during the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Nexus directors Conor Finnegan and Johnny Kelly have been selected to showcase their work as part of the exhibition Motion Factory, les ficelles du monde animé.
Nexus director Conor Finnegan creates the stop-motion music video, “Sound of Horns,” for Candice Gordon’s debut EP, “Before the Sunset Ends.”