Tagged With: Dante Rinaldi

Education Headline News

Stage 03 VFX Releases Online VFX101 Class Sampler

Featuring 6 hours of curated training material covering VFX filmmaking, Compositing, Modeling, and After Effects Animation, the VFX Sampler is a superb introduction to the global education program’s comprehensive, degreed, and accredited visual effects instruction.

High Quality VFX on a Budget VFXWorld

Bridging into VFX Education with ‘Acting: The First Six Lessons’

Beau Bridges and his daughter Emily, working with David Shapiro and Semkhor Productions, turn Richard Boleslavsky’s seminal book on acting into a film - complete with a recreated 1930s New York - and teaching materials used to show students how to produce high quality, low-cost visual effects.