The 15th International Animated Film Festival will be held in Batumi, Georgia from November 13-18; the festival is accepting submissions for its film competition with an entry deadline of August 25.
The 15th International Animated Film Festival will be held in Batumi, Georgia from November 13-18; the festival is accepting submissions for its film competition with an entry deadline of August 25.
This year’s selection of 10 shorts, including films by Patrick Smith, Gil Alkabetz, and Oscar winner Frederic Back, showcases a variety of techniques and tones in a celebration of unconventional approaches to the medium.
Festival announces 13 films receiving special recognition, partner awards, or additional honors bestowed outside the Official competition.
Uninhibited by the new digital format for its 2020 edition, the Annecy Festival continues to showcase world-class animation in its official shorts competition.