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Tagged With: Marina Antunes

Submit Your Work Headline News

SPARK ANIMATION Returns to Vancouver In-Person and Online

British Columbia’s only Oscar-accredited festival is back as a hybrid event, with an expansive program of talks, presentations, screenings, and career networking events, running October 27 – November 30; submissions still being accepted through September 16.

Awards Headline News

‘The Torture Letters’ Takes Best in Show at SPARK Animation 2020

‘BoxsBallet,’ ‘My friend who shines in the night,’ and ‘Seoulsori,’ also take home awards in an online ceremony from the 12th annual festival, running through November 8; WIA Diversity Award winners also announced.


Awards Headline News

Women in Animation Announces WIA Diversity Award Honorees

In a Spark Animation 2020 virtual ceremony, Kyoto Animation, Laurence Ralph’s ‘The Torture Letters,’ and Maria Trénor’s ‘Where Were You?’ are recognized for making a significant impact in expanding diversity of voices in animation.

wia Headline News

Women in Animation Announces 3rd Annual WIA Diversity Award Winners

Sony Pictures Animation, Netflix’s Melissa Cobb and director Brenda Lopez’s ‘Abeo’ will be honored at upcoming Spark Animation 2019, which runs October 24-27 in Vancouver.