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Barbara Robertson's Recent Posts

Industrial Light & Magic VFXWorld

How ILM Blended Practical and Digital Effects for ‘Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom’

Industrial Light & Magic animation supervisor Jance Rubinchik describes the joys of playing with dinosaurs for ‘Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom.’

Industrial Light & Magic VFXWorld

New Sheriff in Town: ILM’s Rob Bredow Talks ‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’

From in-camera effects to the latest virtual production techniques, Industrial Light and Magic’s newly appointed head rounds up more than 1,800 VFX shots for the Star Wars stand-alone anthology space western.

Marvel Studios VFXWorld

Sympathy for the Devil: How Digital Domain Helped Create Thanos for ‘Avengers: Infinity War’

Complementing the 12-foot tall purple villain created by Weta Digital for action-packed fight sequences, Digital Domain employs proprietary tool Masquerade using new machine-learning algorithms to deliver emotive performances from the CG character.

Academy Awards VFXWorld

The 2018 VFX Nominees: Doubling Down on Digital Effects

Group of 20 nominees draws on two decades of experience and technological advances, delivering shots that were previously unimaginable.

Kevin Jenkins VFXWorld

Reinventing a Galaxy Far, Far Away: Kevin Jenkins on Designing ‘The Last Jedi’

From preproduction through postproduction, design supervisor Kevin Jenkins helps safeguard the visual language of the Star Wars universe for the eighth episode in the iconic franchise.

Feature VFX VFXWorld

ILM Delivers Hellfire and Damnation for Darren Aronofsky’s ‘mother!’

Industrial Light & Magic VFX supervisor Ben Snow details the range of destruction and fiery visual effects created for the Paramount feature starring Jennifer Lawrence and Javier Bardem.
