
HanaImakura's picture
About Me 
I can be sweet and then sour, depending on my mood and how badly I want something. I can be very stubborn, too. But I HATE being all alone. I have issues with that due to a looong story that should be saved for a rainy day.
HanaImakura's picture
I pledge allegiance to the Princess Celestia Of the united kingdom of Equestria And to the Pony-Public for which it stands, One pasture under Derpy Hooves, Always dependable, with Elements Of Harmony And muffins for all!
Drawing, reading fantasies, writing, reading manga, watching anime, playing RPGs and Dating SIMs, watching favorite movies over and over till I get bored, drawing on my new Wacom, and watching My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.

My Recent Forum Threads

Thu, June 9, 2011
Thu, June 9, 2011