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Series Headline News

Fuse Cable Network Premieres Empire Square

On Tuesday, April 18, 2006, the music television network fuse, premiered EMPIRE SQUARE, its entry into the in-your-face, envelope-pushing animated cable series sweepstakes.

EMPIRE SQUARE and its creators hail from England: Lloyd Salmons and Ant Cauchi of the design shop Outside Line (creators of the Beatles website and currently designing Quadrophenias DVD release) and Dave Rowntree, drummer for Blur. The show began as downloadable three-minute segments for British mobile phone users, but was snapped up by Fuse and expanded into a half-hour show.

Animation Headline News

Hacker Attack Brings Down Animation Websites

By Joe Strike | Tuesday, March 28, 2006 at 12:00am

At the tail end of 2005, a computer hacker calling himself "the Persian Fox" began attacking hundreds of U.S. websites, including scores run by animation companies.

You keep abusing, Islams almighty Prophet with disgusting and disgraceful cartoons using excuses of freedom of speech reads the onscreen message (including the misplaced comma) that replaced the sites regular content. The majority of sites hacked, however, have no connection to the recent uproar over Danish cartoons belittling Islam and the Prophet Muhammad.

Game Headline News

4Kids, Microsoft Unveil Viva Piñata

By Joe Strike | Thursday, March 16, 2006 at 12:00am

On Wednesday, March 15, 2006, 4Kids Ent. unveiled the fruits of its partnership with Microsoft Game Studio at a New York City press event, an entertainment property called VIVA PIÑATA.

In the fall, PIÑATA will both as a debut as a 26-episode CGI series on 4Kids FOX TV Saturday morning block, and as an "immersive" Xbox 360 videogame. In 2007, after the property is an established entity, 4Kids plans to back up PIÑATA with an extensive licensing and merchandising campaign.

Show Headline News

Aaron McGruder Tele-Stomping for Boondocks

By Joe Strike | Friday, October 28, 2005 at 12:00am

Cartoonist Aaron McGruder recently met with reporters around the country to discuss the upcoming Adult Swim premiere of the cartoon version of his in-your-face BOONDOCKS comic strip, which debuts Nov. 6, 2005, at 11:00 pm. That it was a virtual meeting via a telephone conference call gave the event the feel of an electronic séance, with an unseen moderator/medium directing unseen participants to pose their questions to the unseen subject whom for all we knew couldve been a ringer filling in for McGruder.
