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DOK Leipzig 2021: Call for Entries

You want to show your new documentary or animated film at DOK Leipzig this fall? The call for entries to our 64th festival edition is now open!

Dear filmmakers and creative artists,

You want to show your new documentary or animated film at DOK Leipzig this fall? The call for entries to our 64th festival edition is now open!

“We can’t wait to host DOK Leipzig again as a festival for our local audience. We are optimistic that this will be possible again in October. For this we are looking for films that bring us along on their narrative journey, that raise questions, provide food for thought, and above all inspire and challenge us artistically. Dear filmmakers, we look forward to your surprising insights, your bold visions and your original methods. We look forward to receiving numerous submissions!” 

Christoph Terhechte, DOK Leipzig Festival Director


Submit your film here!

What kind of films can I submit? 

You are welcome to submit artistic documentaries and animated films of all lengths as well as hybrid films between the two genres. 

To be considered for the competition sections, it is important that the production year of your film is either 2020 or 2021. In addition, your film should not have been shown publicly before October 2020 and it needs to celebrate at least a German premiere at DOK Leipzig. Check our submission rules for more details.

What are the competitions?

At DOK Leipzig 2021 we present six official competitions and one out-of-competition section. Have a look at our programme overview for more details.

How does the submission work?

Please visit our website, register for or log in to our myDOK platform and fill in the submission form.

What are the submission deadlines?

We have two submission deadlines. If your film was completed before 1/5/2021, please submit your film by 1 May 2021. All films reaching us by this date will receive feedback in June as to whether they have been selected or not.

Our second submission deadline is 1 July 2021. After this date, submissions are no longer possible.

Did you know?

DOK Leipzig is a qualifying festival for the Academy Awards© and the European Film Awards.

What about the Extended Reality section?

The call for Extended Reality works for our DOK Neuland exhibition will open on 15 March. 

More questions?

Read our submissions FAQ or contact our Programme team by e-mail(link sends e-mail).

We are excited to get to know your works!

Your DOK Leipzig Team