In the role that made her, Melanie Griffith (LOLITA) as Tess McGill has never been better. The role allows her to use the sexpot type she played prior to this film, while crafting a much fuller character.
The story follows go-getter Jersey girl McGill as she gets a job as a secretary for no-holds-barred businesswoman Katharine Parker (Sigourney Weaver, ALIEN). McGill knows a great deal about finance, but she doesn't look or sound the part. After Katharine gets stuck in the mountains after breaking her leg skiing, Tess learns that Katharine had stolen one of her own ideas that Katharine poo-pooed earlier. Tess then assumes Katharine's identity and takes her business idea to Jack Trainer (Harrison Ford, RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK) at a competing firm.
Tess attends a party to try and meet Trainer. She tells him that she has a head for business, but a bod for sin. But how they don't sleep with each other is key to Ford's character. He finds Tess attractive, but when he reads her proposal, he respects her even more. Tess tries to balance getting her deal done with Jack and her blue-collar boyfriend Mick Dugan (Alec Baldwin, BEETLEJUICE). Tess has grown past the bars and boats that drive Mick's world. He cares about her, but he doesn't have the maturity that Trainer has. Tess's relationship with Mick represents the conflict she has to just abandon her roots.
Throughout, Griffith gives Tess and original mix of confidence and insecurity. Tess knows that her big hair, flashy clothes and Jersey accent prevent her from getting ahead in business. While Katharine is cast as the villain, Tess can learn a lot from her. And speaking of big hair, no film character has probably had bigger hair than Joan Cusack's flamboyant and flirtatious secretary Cyn. She deserved her Oscar nod for a really hilarious performance. Weaver also received an Oscar nod for her excellent cutthroat performance, which proves like she would prove again in HEART BREAKERS that she is a gifted comedienne.
The film rides high on the “loser can win it all” sentiment. However, it also offers intelligent commentary on the demands put on women for them to succeed in business. Thanks to the sure hand of director Mike Nichols (THE GRADUATE), the film is a funny and inspiring tale of determination in the workplace that carries a sentimental heart without losing any believability.