A TV show idea I have

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A TV show idea I have

I have an idea for an animated tv show that I would really like to get off the ground somehow. The question is, who to pitch it to and where. Here's my idea:

The basic concept is fetuses that fight injustice.


Does anyone here know who could help me get this off the ground? :confused:

Haredevil_Hare's picture
Order my book Jesus Needs Help on Amazon or download on Kindle. You can also read the first 18 pages of my next book for free at this link: The Hap Hap Happy Happenstance of Fanny Punongtiti

Order my book Jesus Needs Help on Amazon or download on Kindle.

You can also read the first 18 pages of my next book for free at this link: The Hap Hap Happy Happenstance of Fanny Punongtiti

Wow. What are you smoking, and where do I get some?

Seriously though, I would not post concepts for series' on an internet forum. While I don't think you will have a problem with this one getting ripped off, the art of being ripped off of ideas is common place in this field. You can ask for advice on "how to get a series you are developing" off the ground without telling everyone your premise, and they will probably answer you. This just sets you up to get robbed... Especially if your idea is genuinly good.


"Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard" - Paul Simon

This just sets you up to get robbed... Especially if your idea is genuinly good.

Hey, if it's done well, this show could kick ass on the tube.

Besides, even if someone does steal this idea, couldn't I claim ownership with an internet post?

Order my book Jesus Needs Help on Amazon or download on Kindle.

You can also read the first 18 pages of my next book for free at this link: The Hap Hap Happy Happenstance of Fanny Punongtiti

An internet post is SO not a valid form of legal protection. When you have a COMPLETE script, you can register it with the Writers Guild (WGA) and also copywrite the work. I believe you then get up to five years before you need to re-register.

Klasky Csupo, producers of Duckman, Wild Thornberries, and Rug Rats, has a contest you should check out.

Cartoon Thunder
There's a little biker in all of us...

Hmmmmm........ the contest rules specifically states the age range of 9 to 13. My show definitely skews much older. But, hey, it's still worth a shot I guess.

Order my book Jesus Needs Help on Amazon or download on Kindle.

You can also read the first 18 pages of my next book for free at this link: The Hap Hap Happy Happenstance of Fanny Punongtiti

You have no idea how much work you just saved me.

For an English teacher, I have some seriuosly illiterate moments...

Cartoon Thunder
There's a little biker in all of us...

There, I corrected that one spelling mistake in my last post. I should get an A+ now. :p

Order my book Jesus Needs Help on Amazon or download on Kindle.

You can also read the first 18 pages of my next book for free at this link: The Hap Hap Happy Happenstance of Fanny Punongtiti

(dagburnit, I hafta quit mentioning that thing about what I do fer a day job!!)

Cartoon Thunder
There's a little biker in all of us...

For an English teacher, I have some seriuosly illiterate moments...

English teacher, correct thyself. :p

Order my book Jesus Needs Help on Amazon or download on Kindle.

You can also read the first 18 pages of my next book for free at this link: The Hap Hap Happy Happenstance of Fanny Punongtiti

I hate to burst the biology bubble, but when you eat something it does not go to the uterus. So there is a problem. How about they use her more like John Malkovich... where they each take turns at the nervous control center. Then you could have some fun when the fetuses are arguing over whom gets control and you see her external features change to match whom ever is at the helm.
I can't believe I'm thinking about this.

Don't do nothing because you can't do everything.

I hate to burst the biology bubble, but when you eat something it does not go to the uterus.

Yes, I'm very much aware of that. However, the only true way for any electronic equipment to get into the uterus.......... well........... :eek:

So to keep that sort of 'nastiness' down a bit I figured she'd eat it. The human digestive system wasn't designed to disslove plastic or metal anyway so it would get there relatively unscathed. Also I plan to animate this so we need not get too picky about biology here.

Order my book Jesus Needs Help on Amazon or download on Kindle.

You can also read the first 18 pages of my next book for free at this link: The Hap Hap Happy Happenstance of Fanny Punongtiti

I can't believe I'm thinking about this.

Also, that fact that the concept alone has got you thinking shows what a kickass show it would be.

On that note, back to my original question. Is there anyone out there who could help get this off the ground? Any studios that need ideas?

Order my book Jesus Needs Help on Amazon or download on Kindle.

You can also read the first 18 pages of my next book for free at this link: The Hap Hap Happy Happenstance of Fanny Punongtiti

On that note, back to my original question. Is there anyone out there who could help get this off the ground? Any studios that need ideas?

i'm sure every studio is looking for an uniue idea that could be the next simpsons.

my guess is that you're idea is probably too original. wayyy too original. i mean, no one will ever believe that cheerleaders can be bitches.

Im an old sourpuss ...

Yeah, I would agree with everyone in keeping your pilot ideas close you yourself. I mean, it doesn't hurt to mention them to get feedback and whatnot - just don't give away ALL of your secerets. Copywrite laws are enough of a hassle to deal with in court.

And that contest looks all fun ... buuuuuuuut ... I absolutely dislike Rugrats and their whole style with a passion "Bleh!!". And, how much ownership to your idea would you get anyway? Nothing is mentioned about that - only "you'll get a credit as the creator". OOOuuuu, my name on a credit! I mean, how much legal rights to that kind of thing does a 9-13 year old have? While it sounds all fun and stuff - I see a different picture - a way for Klasky Cuspo to get around the small issues of paying an adult or having a job opening within the studio and hiring a proffessional writer or show producer. THAT only makes me sort of angery. Because adults in this profession know their legal rights in regaurds to their creations and show ideas. And it just sounds kinda fishy to me on Klasky Cuspo's part. Let's get an idea from some sucker kid so we can make a new show - and not have to worry about art style, direction, personal artistic qualities, and all that jazz that goes into making a cartoon series possible. :mad:

Then again, maybe I'm just an old sour-puss and I'm being too bitter.

In poker, it's not a good idea to reveal your hand to the table. Same as in business. While theres an urge to share a really fantabulous idea - it is best to leave strategic advantages to yourself.

Tuam libera mentem - Free your mind

Perhaps I misunderstood but when I read the site it appeared to be available to anyone; it is the target audience of the show -itself- that is to be focused toward that 9-13 age group. I don't think they're looking for a firsthand opinion. That'd be an absolute f---ing disaster lol

And that contest looks all fun ... buuuuuuuut ... I absolutely dislike Rugrats and their whole style with a passion "Bleh!!".

HUH?!?!?! You don't like the style of the Rugrats?!?!? I believe you are probably one of the few, as I believe that it is absolutely brilliant. But that is just my opinion, I guess.


"Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard" - Paul Simon

English teacher, correct thyself. :p

Oooh, I got told! My quick teacher answer would be planted that mistake to test your proofing abilities, but we all (including my students) would see through the thin veil of that excuse.

Never mind I was sorta slow getting back about it. :D

Cartoon Thunder
There's a little biker in all of us...

Hey, if it's done well, this show could kick ass on the tube.

Besides, even if someone does steal this idea, couldn't I claim ownership with an internet post?

If its done well, but to get the idea on the tube in the first place means so many compromises to placate the "powers that be"--namely the folks that end up signing the cheques....that the show can bear little resemblance to its original idea.

Keep your ideas close to your vest if you don't want to lose them.
Otherwise, all someone has to do is take the gimmick and its theirs.
There is no such thing as a bad idea (just ideas whose time is not yet at hand), but there's also a lot of mileage between good ideas.

Seriously, if you want to do a "kick-ass idea" these days, don't bother with TV animation--use the 'Net and do it all yourself.


"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)

Seriously, if you want to do a "kick-ass idea" these days, don't bother with TV animation--use the 'Net and do it all yourself.


That is some damn good advice. I even read some similar sentiment elsewhere stating "don't whore yourself out to other studios, do it yourself."

Unfortunately, for what I envision, I'd need to purchase a huge amount of equipment like an animation disc, the Flash program (or something like it), a computer program that records sound, and LOTS AND LOTS of paper. I think I'd need to take out a bank loan in order to even begin to start this thing rolling.

But, hey, it still sounds better and much less agrivating than 'whoring' it out to other studios who will do stuff to it I don't want happening. :eek:

Order my book Jesus Needs Help on Amazon or download on Kindle.

You can also read the first 18 pages of my next book for free at this link: The Hap Hap Happy Happenstance of Fanny Punongtiti

seriously, you could get started on a project like that for around $600 dollars.

Disc $46.95

Flash MX 2004 $430

Paper $16.95 / ream of 500, though you can apparently get student paper for as low as $8.95 / ream, and for this, I'd probably just go with the cheaper stuff, since its going to be digitized anyway.


So the software is the biggest expense, really. Christmas is just around the corner....
