pencil to pixel debate

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pencil to pixel debate

My name is Chris Welsby and I am currently studying a MA in animation. I am currently investigating the affect of digital technologies on the animation industry, I would appreciate any views and opinions on this subject and how new technologies have affected your work. I hope we can all have a interesting discussion.

Hi Chris,

this whole subject is quite broad to cover up in a single message, so I'll just get started and later we can talk more.

From an artist's point of view, all I can say is that digital technologies are helping me a lot doing what I want, be it on animation, music, printmaking, whatever else. The tools we have today in home computers are so powerful we can't even think. Things that would take several people, or millions of dollars, or months of work back in the 80's today can be very easily done with a relatively cheap computer a little software.

The main problem of this new paradigm is that most people are getting into it a little late and really don't care about the origins of things. For example, people who never animated or never learned to draw are more than welcome to experiment animating on Flash--but they can't think it's the only around. We're in a moment where ANY one can make things with a computer (animation, music, whatever), and the amount of things and people doing them is completely obliterating 1. the actual professionals on each field and 2. the audience's perception of reality. All of a sudden, you can make an extremely crude and non-imaginative Flash movie, and a LOT of people will LOVE it. It's quite preocupating, people don't have any references anymore, no will to learn the history of things. They are like children who want candy but don't want vegetables.

That's pretty much it for today, hope we can get this discussion going :)

[]s, Daniel

Well said, DP. Reminds me of an old discussion about how radio music has no discernible screening process anymore. It can not sound good, it can even all sound the same...Green light! Most of what's on the internet can beat the snott out of radio music. Some of it's good, I'm not knocking the talent today or the medium, but playing to the lowest common denominator is only a success in financial terms. How I long for the next Motown. =P