I have a particularly nasty boss these days...thank god it's only temporary....
sometimes, i catch myself thinking about all the nasty ways i'd get rid of him...
and .. sometimes.. i just jot them down!
not much more than a skecth...
Haha, that was so awesome on so many levels!
the expression on the guys face is classic. Your movements are so clean and believable.
Do you listen to music while you draw or animate? I've read that its better not to because it keeps you more focused.
I listen to music most the time while I draw and animate, but I'm trying to stop.
how mant bosses do u have?...or right,its a loop :D
great fluent work!
Production Blog
very awesome stuff. i love the energy you put into all of your animation. i love the timing when the ropes(?) are swinging around him, and also when they droop down for a second. i only wish i would have seen him anticipate the slamming the door at the end. like he grabs the door, big anticipation, then the monster eats him. but just my opinion. keep up the awesomely-cool animation.
er.. well.. i think my wording is bad. there is an anticipation, but its kinda stiff. i could imagine him getting up, grabbing the door pulling back like hes gunna slam it... then the monster eats him.. so i guess more movement in the anticipation, to keep with the "bouncey" feeling throughout. anyways, im probably describing too much about this. i just didnt want to just say "hey! looks great!".. so yea.
Fantastic. I laughed out loud. I love the feel of him trying to keep from being pulled out the door. I could watch a whole DVD of your stuff.
Producing solidily ok animation since 2001.
Now with more doodling!
Internal cow..
it depends... when i am actually TIMING stuff .. yeah..i can't listen to anything because i am so focused on what I do...
here. for this one, since i did it on a whim and it wasn't really planned out( it's basically just straight aheads....with a little twist to the straight ahead thingy), i was listen to "SHAFT" by isaac hayes....absolutely no relation to the animation, but i really like the groovy soundtrack!!
But i understand what people mean by not listening to music....
if you are trying to plan out something, timing wise... you need to focus on sequences of frames at the time... intersections of elements, arcs and make everything fit in one nice piece......that would be hard to do if a portion of my brain was busy taking in music!
hope that helps
no worries...
I see your point... some anticipation could be seen.. but , it kind of works that way.. and the pointof it is to be fast and right to the point.
so.. i try to cut down on anything outside of the storytelling ..
and.. ok.. i know that adding anticipation and reaction at the door COULD contribute to the drama , the climax etc etc/.but i justchose not too......simple as that..( what I am trying to say is that your point is valid.. i just didn't do it!)
I was getting sleepy!
OH.. actually .. these days .i have way too many cooks and that big kitchen up there!!
Kdiddy.. yeah..i'm looking forward to the day where i can do that too!
:rolleyes: haven't heard that one b4,lol.
keep up the great works! :D
*cough*feel free to visit the link in my sig.*cough*
omg who sed that
Production Blog
ooops....sorry about that
I'll check out that forum!
:D yayness!
Production Blog
pascal, that clip is great! I love the raw look of the line.
Sharvonique Studios
Animated By Sharvonique Blog
AWN Showcase Gallery
Thanks Sharvonique!!
fantastic stuff as usual pascal.
just out of curiousity, how long did this take you to animate?
i'm trying to set a gauge of how much loose animation i should be getting out of myself per day (or hour).
about two hours i would say.
thanks for the compliment daspetey
jeez! they werent kidding, you ARE fast!
pascal, you are definitely in my top five list of super-animators, along with pat smith and don hertfeldt. your characters always have such charm and kinetic power. let me know if you ever put out a dvd, i'm buying 10. =)
yo yo yo..wait a minute here....
Pat smith and don hertfeldt??
hu..Thanks I guess...but i definitevely do not consider myself of that class.
in fact...i was actually thinking about taking some animation classes myself!!
thanks though!
i have a better idea, instead of taking animation classes, how bout you TEACH them! to meeeeee
no seriously, i wasnt blowing smoke up your butt (weird image.. sorry)
i get the same feeling when i see your stuff as theirs. they are masters of energetic and charming animation. and its great that you are humble, but you too my friend are a master of those things. of course we can all get better. but you seem to have a raw understanding of movement.. of really animating forces..
hmm ok. enough praise.
Pete's right. I consider your work up there, too. I can only imagine how good you'll be after classes.
Producing solidily ok animation since 2001.
Now with more doodling!
thanks guys!
I really apreciate it!!
As soon as you mentioned blowing smoke up his butt, I saw the resulting Pascal animation of that very act in my mind. And he drew it inside 20 minutes!
And Pascal, keep considering. You'll never lose out on continuing education. You have special powers and most hone them into an indomitable force!
scattered...i'd been wondering where you'd been.
how are you?
as usual, your words have a special kind of resonance unlike any others ...(^__^)