Do the "SOFTWARES" depend on the STYLE ??

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Do the "SOFTWARES" depend on the STYLE ??

hello everyone,

I'm new to this forum but not new to AWN. I'm a cartoonist and animator, I started as a traditional animator in 1991 and I had a short course in Traditional animation....then I began using software's like Flash & ToonBoom in 2000, then I found software's like Moho which it makes it easier and easier to do you cartoons.

I finished some short Flash cartoons ( I'm a MAC user ) & I'm about to start a new series for Web & TV, I was about to start with Flash as I used to, but the thing series depends on (Voices and acting) you can say that characters acts & talks alot in the story, so in traditional way, it's gonna take forever to produce it, and to repeat some (talking scenes) wow that will take too long. Is it the style that rules the needs?, I want do it in a quality and easier way than the old process. like moving the body elements with motion tween in Flash not drawing the character in each frame (like the way I learned!!)

Can anybody help? what software is suitable for this case?,,,and if you can just help me with your knowledge, some tips & about the main steps like the timing, frames,montaging & software's in 2D animation!?

Sorry,,, that was alot !! :) but I hope you could help me, and I hope you welcome me in this great forum! thanx


kid_online's picture
Be In The Picture !

Be In The Picture !

aaaaaaaawww,it might take forever to produce,but won't the end product be worth it, i wud much rather watched sumthin frame by frame than tweened,but u should talk to blue hickey on this forum about this.

and visit his site for inspiration.

i think flash in perfect for what u wanna do.

aaaaaaaawww,it might take forever to produce,but won't the end product be worth it, i wud much rather watched sumthin frame by frame than tweened,but u should talk to blue hickey on this forum about this.

and visit his site for inspiration.

i think flash in perfect for what u wanna do.

"frame by frame" I hear this more and more quoted by people that don't seem to have a clue. Ever wonder why tweeners (hand tweeners) used light tables? You need to learn to use symbols in flash, and break apart what you need to, in order to make things work. Sure if you are trying to get your timing right on, you do need to look at every frame. But as in life there are pauses where things remain the same. Nothing in life is "frame by frame" unless you are drugs....our brains condense things and make abreviations most of the time. Only the anal check out every fraction of a second.

Ask Blue how many of his things are absolutely "frame by frame".

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.


thats the must insulting thing i've ever heard,i don't have a clue?

ur gunna sit there and tell me tweening and frame by frame are the same thing?

wow,if thats true,tons of books need to be re written.

that takes the piss man.its not just the fact that i said i don't have a clue,its the fact that u probably knew exactly what i meant in the first place,what the hell is the point of that.

*goes somewhere to breath*

"Tweening" and "inbetweening" are two different things in the animation world. I never said to move your things on a "tween" automatically in Flash, but everything doesn't have to move. And the "tweener" (hand "inbetweeners") in hand animation never redrew every line in every frame either, well maybe they had too, with old technology...but that's why they used transparent paper and light tables. So basically those items that didn't change, weren't changed. To say every "good" animation has to be "frame by frame" is hogwash. If you take that as an insult. Hey get a life.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

WHO or what said good animation has to be frame by frame?!?!

i said I*yeh thats me* would much prefer to see it done frame by frame,its a matter of opinion.

nobody said things always had to move.

nobody said there wasn't a difference between tweening and inbetweening.

we are talking about FLASH here,so in this case the two types of animation most common in FLASH are classed as frame by frame *drawing every frame* or motion tweening,*using flash itself to move things around*

so i have no idea what u meant by ur comment,"i don't have clue"

i have a sweet life thank you,but if someone dropped by and said *hey dude,u don't know anything about animation* ur gunna get kinda peeved.whether ur online or not.

:rolleyes: edit:spellin mistakes fixed (mispellled lots of words cos of my anger)but i'm all happy now :D

I thought of another consideration to think about before you start. You said this is for both web an TV. I think if you are going to both, you are going to have to lean towards the web side for the bandwidth issues. When I animate for TV, I don't worry about filesize untill it starts to slow down my computer. But for the web, you are going to have to think about reuse of symbols to make the file small enough for people to download. Just some else to think about befor you start.

Oh, I just thought of something else too. Do you have your post production sorted out for TV? That's another thing you want to think about BEFORE you start animating. What screen size do you need? Are you colors TV safe? Make sure you have a title safe line so things aren't cut off. What type of file do you need to deliver to the post production people? Get all this stuff nailed down before you start, and it'll go much smoother in the end. You can never plan too much. Trust me, I know what happens when you don't. :D

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

Who came up with the term "frame by frame". What I see all over is a bunch of stuff scanned in that could have been done more easily by using Flashes tools and learning that if something doesn't move all the time you make a symbol out of it. But the "frame by frame" school seems to think that Flash is just a pre-AfterEffects tool.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

phacker in all honesty i don't know who came up with that term,but its what i was taught,its whats in all the books,its just the name,u know? lol

lol,theres nothing more i can really say,in flash terms,tweening and frame by frame are two different things,cmon,surely u understand that :D

right? right? work with me here.


I'll work with you NOOB, but "frame by frame" is ranking right up there with me like "Shock and Awe" does (I really, really hate that phrase.). So many are jumping on the bandwagon without really understanding what they are talking about.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

lol i understand u hate that term phacker hahah,

but thats not something u can hold anyone against ,if u are taught it that way,(in this case,that frame by frame is this,and tweening is that) is it really their fault?

blame the teachers and the originaters phacker! kill em! lol

but back to topic though,i'd agree with ape and say use Flash or Moho. :o ;)

... Get all this stuff nailed down before you start, and it'll go much smoother in the end. You can never plan too much. Trust me, I know what happens when you don't. :D

This is probably one of the most wise and understated things ever said about the animation process. Always, always spend as much time as you possibly can getting your plan down. Spend some time doing tests to make sure your process will work.

Spending a couple days or even weeks on a 5-10 second test will seem like nothing if you get to the end of a 6 month project only to find that you're not in the right color space, half your animation isn't even on the screen, you just don't have a good way to get your images out to tape/DVD, your lip synch process is horribly out of synch, animating at an odd frame rate just doesn't look good on video, or even worse, you spent all your time fighting with a system that shouldn't have been used in the first place and don't actually finish.

Aloha indeed Mr. Ape, aloha indeed.

Producing solidily ok animation since 2001.

Now with more doodling!

Hey, about modifying your profile and letting us know what hemisphere you are in and maybe writing things out in "king's" english. Another thing I dislike are all the computer abreviations like u for you. I know you have your own forum, but that sort of stuff (abreviations) is really teenage...if you get my drift? And just what instructor taught you "frame by frame" or what book did you get it from, or was it from a collection of forums? I'd really be interested in seeing a source for that phrase.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

To be honest, I was away from my computer for couple of days "working" when I got back I read all the replies, I'm happy, gained some knowledge :) & shocked !! :)....I like what victorialatham said, I guess yeah that it depends on what kind of people are going to watch the project !! and the style affects in this case too & I the IDEA of the movie and its style is a reason too to be known and extend the movie popularity

,,,,,I learned animation by myself when I was very young then I went to some books to get some resources then I had a short course in Canada,,,,in the traditional way actually!!
. But some needs make THE,,,,let me call it (Modern Style) is the option that I have in this case....

and as I learned, I know that ( Frame by Frame ) is a term that used in general,,,doesn't have to be in Flash or Else ... to be called that,,,it turns to be called (tweening) when you're in a software that (TIME) is not the top matter. AND thanx "animated Ape", it's gonna be like the latest movie I made (Sida),,, but I'm looking for more attraction....Acting in the movie alot,,,,let me say similar to (Futurama) when the sence of humor is THERE !! eveywhere !!! and I like what you said about planning, I love that !

& YEAH of course!!!, I try my best to plan b4 I do the project, I do storyboarding before beginning !!, I'm worried with the time that I'm going to take to know Moho and to work on it, cuz I acutally choose it ,,,, well...I think it fits my needs specially ( the bones part ) & ( lip syncing ) I saw the movies there and SURE it depends on the "person's animating" could get great and it could get UGLY !!!...

About the output process, at the beginning I'm planning for Web then I'll move to produce it on DVD, and yeah of course,,,it's logical to consider that !!,,,,when it comes to the files sizes !!

I really wanna thank all of you, ( there was a missunderstood ) happened lol ... but nothing really happened ( what what what ?? :cool: ).... I think it's great that I got that information from it ,,,, thanx alot Phacker, NOOB! & kdiddy13 !!

Be In The Picture !

I really wanna thank all of you, ( there was a missunderstood ) happened lol ... but nothing really happened ( what what what ?? :cool: ).... I think it's great that I got that information from it ,,,, thanx alot Phacker, NOOB! & kdiddy13 !!

Hey! That was one argument I wasn't even involved in! :D

I'm glad you got something out of all our ramblings.

And please, you can call me Kdidy. Kdiddy13 was my father's name....

Sorry, bad joke, but I couldn't resist. :)

Producing solidily ok animation since 2001.

Now with more doodling!

looool Ok Kdidy !! got it....thanx :) and no argument happened I'm sure everybody is kool,,,, peace !!!


Be In The Picture !