catie's portfolio & short film

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catie's portfolio & short film

Hi, my name's catie lee and im 22. i just graduated from a CG school in Paris. i mostly do modeling, texturing, lighting and compositing, but no animation. i also do matte paintings, colorization and character design.
here's my portfolio 2D/3D :

and the link to my lastest short film website :

thanks for visiting and hope you'll enjoy it :p

Wow, seems to me like you are multi-talented! Cool site and congratulation for graduating.

thank you :p

nice stuff!
i mistook some of your 2d paintings for 3d renders.
you're very talented.

SpaceGhost2K > err.. thanx :rolleyes:

tehfuzzbomb > your message made me really very happy !

hi catie lee!

great stuff on your site
I took a look at your animation ( les fantaisies de margot).
's really nice start.
are you going to keep it two d/3d or is it going to be all three d?

I'm just saying this because when she is in her dream land, i'd love to see more than just the three d aspect of it..

I especially like your two d work( duh!)
A cross beween some Myasaki and haussman, even a bit of nicolas de crecy .
it's charming and unsual.
It is also still developping.
Quite nice work!

keep going, you're on a very nice path

Hi Catie,

I watched your demo reel. I would love to collaborate if you need sound or voices sometime.

Best of luck with your career.

"The dog is Cerberus, the girl Zoe, I'm Dirge"

thank you guys, i really apreciate you like my work

and yea i'll keep on mixing 2d/3d, always