Gundo Run Revised (Rough)

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Gundo Run Revised (Rough)

Reworked the Gundo run (seen here) and this time sped it up a bit and put him running on 5's

There are parts of this one I like better than the original, but it feels to quick to me. On this one I focused on selling his weight when he hits, some squashing and stretching, as well as changing the arch of his back.

Any comments welcome

Gundo Run Revisited

Hey! Neat character. I would suggest less up in the run cycle. Since he's moving rather fast, it might look more natural for him to stay more level. But it's just a suggestion :D .

needs some tweens. cant really tell whats happening.

"who wouldn't want to make stuff for me? I'm awesome." -Bloo

I agree with Yorik, about less north south action. It's a little hard to for me to watch because there isn't very many inbetweens so the character pops from drawing to drawing. It doesn't look like there are any outstretched legs in your animation, like they're always bent. The trail leg should be fully outstretched right befor it leaves the ground, and the front leg should also fully strech out right befor it contacts the ground.

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

I quite agree. One requires more finished stuff (more in-betweens and may be longer in duration) in order to really tell what is what!

Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional.
debjit at prestostudio dot com


Yeah, this running bit is really getting to me. Looks like I'm going to have to maybe make him run on something greater than 5's to show what I want. I've got his leg stretching into the land, but not out of so that is something I'm going to have to change.

I'm also going to need to mess around with the spacing because that got messed up as well.

Thanks for the input everyone! I'll compile the info and make another pas.

Wow, on 5's? If you're doing a run, it should really be on one's. You can probably do it on two's since it's not t sprinting run, but more of a jog. I would sketch it out as a stick figure first, just to get the timing and the poses down, that way you're not in love with your drawings and can easily toss them out if it's not working.

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

I have to admit, the poses are a little hard to make out. Maybe if you slapped them all in a row on the same sheet so they can be viewed at a time? You know, just for the sake of analysis ...


Hahah, sorry. I shot it on two's but I wanted it to be a quick run so my up position is every 5 frames. And since its on two's it ends up being something like this (keys are bold and breakdowns underlined) 13 579 111315 1719

That is also the spacing I used. Here is what the drawings look like all on the same page. The first is to show spacing and the second is to show each drawing:

This is just me and I'm no teacher, but I think the poses are the problem. The contact pose looks as though he's making wide strides on tiptoe, the recoil looks like a slouch of some kind, probably because he goes down very low, and the passing position still reminds me of a hop. But as I said, that's just me and it's a little late. (-yawn- ;))
Maybe if you used a live-action run broken down into single shots as reference and adjusted it to Gundo's weight and attitude? Don Bluth shows some very cool runs in "Art of Animation Drawing", too.

Thats funny

Funny you should mention Bluth's book because I just picked that one up. Made me want to redo this run and use the method of changing the arch of his back. Thanks for the help guys, I'll be coming back with a new version soon enough.