Bandita Gallery

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really really inspiring work, i just love the crying bird, so cute, u must have enjoyed alot more making it as much i enoyed watching it :)

Monster Scene 8

Thank you very much mandeep!

Here's a new linetest. 220 Sketches, I really don't wanna make the clean up. But I guess, I'll have to... :eek:

Enjoy!! ;)

it was kinda hard to see but i loved the interaction between the rooster and the chick.Keep it up! :D

it was impossible to see, sorry.

could see a few twitches every so often.

"who wouldn't want to make stuff for me? I'm awesome." -Bloo

It was clearly visible for me, though she used light lines.

This one looks splendid! I watched it over and over again. You have a great sense of timing and acting. I love the seconds before the chick starts rebelling and plucks up courage, to shout at the rooster. You also animated the teachers waggling parts very well.
Maybe the chicks head bounces a bit too often in the end of the dialogue, but this is just a matter of taste and style, I guess. And since I didn’t hear the dubbing yet, I can’t give a rate on this.

Overall, very nice going!

Hehe, you'll understand the bouncing head, when you see it all in context and with dialogue... ;)
Thanks for the props!!
I'll compose all the next scenes in my christmas vacation, so i can't send the results soon :( Sorry....

It was clearly visible for me, though she used light lines.

This one looks splendid! I watched it over and over again. You have a great sense of timing and acting. I love the seconds before the chick starts rebelling and plucks up courage, to shout at the rooster. You also animated the teachers waggling parts very well.
Maybe the chicks head bounces a bit too often in the end of the dialogue, but this is just a matter of taste and style, I guess. And since I didn’t hear the dubbing yet, I can’t give a rate on this.

Overall, very nice going!

Way cool stuff!

Your stuff is really great I love it. I've just started posting in my own gallery. I love the lil chick flick spot. I don't envy you either about having to clean it up but isn't it exciting seeing your creations come alive. I wouldn't be able to hold myself back. I wanna see more!!


Different styles?

Thanks for visiting my gallery. You actually opened my eyes to something I've never realized. (my style) I look at everyones art and I see a style. I guess I've never sat down and settled to one style. Is that a good or bad thing? The reason I'm asking, should I pick a style and expound on it or should I keep going on like I am? I'm by no means a proffesional and need some answers. I love talking to people that are proffesional and are in the industry such as you. I currently build homes for a living and drawing and animation is a dream of mine. Being self taught as an artist I fear I'm as far as I'll ever grow.
But hey thanks for the KUDO's and the visit to my gallery and the insight ......Have a great day!

PS: I have done a few very small projects in the art field. (is that a proffessional?)


I'm not really a professional, either, but to my mind versatility is a virtue in animation. How else can hundreds of artists work on one and the same picture and manage to make the result look even?

Vi, long time no chat. Sorry, but I've been very busy during the last three weeks. (Not with animation, sadly.)
It's true that sound greatly enhances visuals, and your latest scene does look very good - but don't underestimate the mime aspect of animation. I think the best kind of animation is the one whose visuals are self-explanatory. I enjoy watching silent movies every now and then, especially Chaplin. Great reference for animation acting - those guys really had to rely on their body language to get something across.

Christooooooooooph!!! Heeeeey, nice to hear something of you!!!! We should phone again in the next days, wanna tell you about my visit to Ludwigsburg.
So, about the body language: Very, very good argument! Soooo, what do you assume what's going on in this scene if you see it without sound?? Guess, and I'm sure you'll give me an (almost) right answer....

I would say it's about a teacher who's really had it with his student's poor attempts. The rooster is pretty clear but the chick is a little on the vaguely twitchy side, as others have already pointed out.

Very good about the rooster. so, and in what kind of situations do you twitch while speaking? It's when you stutter. More, I' wouldn't let out, because the story should be a suprise ;)

the chick is a little on the vaguely twitchy side, as others have already pointed out.

Animating stutters? Five words: eeh-biddy, eeh-biddy, puh, P-Porky Pig!

Animating stutters? Five words: eeh-biddy, eeh-biddy, puh, P-Porky Pig!

Häääääää???????? *blickichnich*

HA! Ach du heiliger ... das kommt von den seltsamen deutschen Übersetzungen der Loony Tunes! Im Original stottert Porky furchtbar rum. Ist eigentlich sogar sein Markenzeichen. Mir ist bis heute nicht klar, wie man sich beim Synchronisieren da herumdrücken konnte.

Howdy over there in Germany!

Thanks for visiting my gallery again. I would love to see some of your santa's I love Santa's myself. I create and self publish a christmas coloring book every year. Then by chance (haha) I dress up in my very own Santa suit every year and I go to the childrens wards at various hospitals and at the Childrens cancer clinic and visit the kids and give them my coloring books as gifts. Last year I went to a nursing home for the elderly and I was a big hit even with the coloring books. So no matter how old we get, We all still love Santa and coloring Books!. So back to you....I wanna see more of your stuff too....please:)


Dear Catuneman,
your yearly visit to childrens hospitals is great!!! That's so wonderful, wanna do this too!!!
Sorry, I'm not allowed to post the Santa, because it was not on TV yet (will be on Christmas:))), and I don't wanna get in trouble because of the rights... Anyway, I just did the compositing and the 3D backgrounds/items and 3Danimations for it... just few 2d inbetweens and things our animators forgot :(

Here are two very short new ruff scenes for my film

@Bandita - I'm still getting the basics down, I imagine animating convincing expressions must take a lot of practice. You do nice work.

@cartuneman - that sounds great. I know this is off topic but if Bandita doesn't can you tell us how you publish these -do you run copies yourself or use some sort of publisher? If it is more appropriate a PM or in one of the other forums.

i love that roosters expressions!

your doing great bandita! :D

TODAY... another rooster...

Thank you so much again for the comments.
On this ruff scene a few inbetweens for the drag elements and some blinks are missing in the end...
Also, he's too tall in the first part; which I'll change in the clean up.
Hope the expression is clear nevertheless... ;)


Ok, I just realized. It's very hard to see :(

Love them chickens

Hello Ms Bandita,

I love watching your work in progress. I can't wait to see it in color. Oh I could see the rooster just fine in your last post. Are these animated chickens your own film? I love drawing animals, well, at least cartoon animals haha. The only thing left to say is....."More Please"


PS: I did the Santa gig Sunday. There's nothing more fullfilling than to see a childs eyes light up with wonder and the unconditional love they have for Santa Claus. It's the greatist gift anyone could ever ask for.

Cool animation B! Love the toes movin like that, look forward to seeing more soon! Cheers

Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007

I can make out the toes, but I'm afraid I'll have to wait for the finished scene to be able to interpret the rest of the poses better.

Good gag, the strumming his toes. Never seen that b4.

i left a comment via the comment section on the putfile link. :D

hey bandita! very nice :D i enjoy watching your linetests. the whole thing is slowly taking shape.


Hey Bandita awsome animations tests and finals u have here on ur thread. I look forward to seeing more.:D

Thank you all for your comments. It really means a lot to me, that you like it!
The public-pictures are out, so I'm allowed to send some pics of our Christmas animation. As I wrote before, I did the compositing and 3D stuff and things like the electrical 2D Christmastree, and 2D itmes like the presents, sledge, calendar etc.
I'm looking forward to see my work on TV!! :)

NEAT! I thought it was going to be all 3D. It's got style, it's got class, (I won't have to get up in the wee hours to see it), it's got the perfect time slot for its target audience - I don't see how this could fail.

WOW Bandita those are amazing!!!! :eek:

I really like how the shadows look on th characters and everything looks so vibrant and colorfull.The cell shading looks really good too and its kinda hard to notice if your not looking for it which makes it blend well with the 2d.

So whats the name of this?
whens it airing?
what time?
what channel?

Thank you. It has become pretty nice, we have famous sync-speakers (Oli P.- a German TV star, and Wolfgang Dräger, the German voice of Woody Allen).
The film is called "Elvis und der Mann mit dem roten Mantel" (Elvis and the man with the red coat) and will be screened on Christmas day on the German Kids-TV-station "Kinderkanal" at 1:30 pm.
I guess the most of you won't be able to see it. :(

Hi Bandita,

WOW!!! these are great! Awsome and all those other cool words. It gives me a tingle to see your work. I wish we could see it here in the U.S. Maybe someday it will be on DVD? I love the Santa ..........Congrats and more!!!:)


Clean up

:) :) :)

Maybe, our company has the DVD rights....
Here is the clean up linetest of the toe scene....

Aah, much better! I can make out everything now. Yup, I think the tapping toes are really good! Love the drag in the rooster's belly, too, although -
[nit-picking] it comes to a halt in an up-kind-of-position. Making it bounce down one more time might make it look as though it has more weight. Plus, the shock anticipation is "only" two frames. I think you could've gone as far as making it five frames (on 1s) with a slow out. Or mabe something like this: (1), 2, 3 (5). And one last thing, when the chick snaps back from his exaggerated shock key pose, the head could follow an arc a bit more on its way back.[/nit-picking]

Wow! That looks really great. I want to see it. They'd better dub an english track and try to see if Cartoon Network or someone would show it here -very nice.

Thank you!!!
Yes, you're right. Next time, I'll know better!
Wouldn't it destroy the stare? That's very important for me in this scene...

I think you're artwork is sweeeet! Very nice.
My God Awful WebComic

Still alive

Sorry, haven't been around here often the last weeks.
But I'm busy with mainly 3D at the moment. For those, who don't know yet: I'm accepted at my favorite animation school, the animation institute at the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg ( and my biggest dream will become reality: I will work as a professional animator!!
so, here a scribble I just did while rendering, just as a plea for telling my news ;)))))

Bandita, do you have a blog anywhere?

Order my book Jesus Needs Help on Amazon or download on Kindle.

You can also read the first 18 pages of my next book for free at this link: The Hap Hap Happy Happenstance of Fanny Punongtiti

Bandita, do you have a blog anywhere?

No, unfortunately not.

Here's something I did for my chief's wedding.

That's some nice work, I love the clean lines. Man, if only I could get clean lines!

Now I'm interested! Could I get a photo comparison?

Howdy Ms. Bandita,

Long time no talk too how goes everything? your work is as lovely as ever.
I'm producing a sketch book for next years comiccon in sandiego and have my sites set high hahahaha. well I can dream anyway. Are you working on anything fun?


Nice work u have Bandita, cool style :D

always nice to see your work bandita...big fan here. ;)
