check http://www.mediaramas.com/bc[/B]
I´ve been working on this 12 minutes movie for more than a year already
is there retirement after a criminal life? no way! there´s only just more crime to commit
it is dark comedy about unrespect and uncaring for other people´s life, but this is mainly a love story after all, no matter if this couple had a life of crime which haven´t given up yet, they are still in love and that´s all that matters
You can´t blame them, it´s their nature
Some technical info about the movie:
3dsMax 8, Glue3d, After effects, Combustion 4, rendered with Mental Ray and ambient occlusion, Photoshop and plugins
2 stations:
Dual Xeon 3.2ghz, 2gb Ram, Quadro xgl 980, 2 sata disk, 2 viewsonics vp191b
pentium 2.4, 1gb Ram, Oxygen video card
Production development:
characters design and modelling-2 months
one month to write the script, but I had this story in my head since about 2 years ago
props modelling - 2 months
storyboard and animatic - 2 months
animation, postpro, etc = 7 months
My biggest mistake on this was to record the voices myself and lipsync based on that crappy, poor and unfunny voice of mine, right now I need to record the final voices and I am having a hard time to find the right voices for them, it should be some texan accent, kind of rednecks, cynical, maybe scratchy, passive but histerical at the same time, so if someone knows someone who might work well for it I´d really appreciate and of course give the credit for it
well, here are a few renders
thanks for taking the time!
this was amazing stuff man!!! i watched it three times after i saw the link on 3dtotal.... really awesome work. Excellent stylization of the characters...especially clyde. i am jealous of your 3d mastery...and when i go back to look at my own 3d work...i cry inside hahaha...jk...still you rock.:D
I've come here to do two things: chew bubblegum and kick ass...and im all out of bubblegum. :mad:
I love the color and style. Just beautiful. Very strong characters & props. The animation and camera work looks really good. Can't wait to find out what's in the box.
FANTASTIC!!!...a real work of ART!!!.....AMAZING!:eek: :eek: ...Your hard work has paid off....always like to see a REAL PROFESSIONAL do such EXCELLENT ANIMATION!!!....keep up the GREAT WORK and ALL THE BEST from The HOYBOYS!:) :)
HAVE A LAUGH ON US AT http://www.hoyboys.net:) :)