Animation Co-op? Help!

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Animation Co-op? Help!

I am so sorry if this is in the wrong spot. :(

So, I live in Toronto and I'm looking for a placement for co-op for animation, and I'm having a really hard time finding something, or at least somebody.

I really love animation and love to work on my own stuff(only grade 11), but it would be awesome if I could actually work with someone is was trained for it, or like a company.

So if you have any suggestions, or places, or even people that I could contact, that would be great. Animation is my dream job!

if theres something closely related, I even go for those, for example: Graphic design, or even work with a animation teacher.

I really hope somebody can help me...


Animation Co Op?

What does that mean, exactly, "Animation Coop"? I take it youre in the 11th grade and want to be in animation, right? Welllllll..... when I was in the 11th grade I loved artwork, comics, animation, and really wanted to make a living working on any or preferable all of the above, and it actually worked out fine, even though I'm kind of a screw up, so Im sure it'll work out fine for you too, if you want to be in animation bad enough.

I'd say basically learn as much as you can, no rush. Everyone is different, but in general I'd say, definitely go to school and learn as much as you can about 2D, 3D, Flash, Drawing, design, EVERYTHING. Meanwhile keep looking for places you can maybe intern in. In my experience all the studios Ive worked in have been pretty friendly towards young, enthusiastic people who want to learn.

But really, the more you know about the whole process, the better your chances at getting your foot in... you never know. I have friends that started working as facilities guys, photocopy guys, even runners and drivers for the studio, who eventually became pretty great animators. Anythign to get your foot in. After you get your first job, the rest is up to luck and how hard you work.