Evolution of the seminar

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Evolution of the seminar

So. I have been getting requests for seminars from New York to Sydney and everywhere in between... so after a great deal of thought and some very nice test sessions I will be holding web based seminars in lieu of the local seminars. All sessions will be recorded for attendees and the subject matter will be the same. The only differences are: They now run Monday - Friday for 4 hours (no need to take time off work), They are held in your living room (or wherever you keep your computer), AND they cost much less!!!

Have a look!


Hope to see you there!


Webinars begin tomorrow!

Just a quick note that the Modo webinars begin tomorrow with the beginner class. Intermediate and Advanced classes follow in the two weeks that follow.

More info here:

And sign up here:

Hope to see you there!


Just wanted to let everyone know that the intro level Webinar is going very well and I still have space in the intermediate and advanced courses so you can still sign up for the ultimate in intensive Modo-ness... uh Modo-osity... Modo-liciousness... you get the idea.

Remember that all sessions are recorded and you will receive downloads immediately after each session of videos and source files as well as a DVD set of all 20 hours plus some bonuses at the end!

Hope to see you there!

email me with any questions: esconnell (at) mac (dot) com


A little preview of what we worked on today!


Just a note, the beginner and intermediate webinars are available as recordings. Here's what you get for the price:

- About 20 hours of video recordings from the sessions
- Scene progress files
- HDRI environment scenes (about 1.5 gigs of content)
- Additional premium training materials from my site (about 5.5 hours)
- Texture sample pack from 3D Total.

Additionally, I am offering discounts for purchases of multiple sessions.

Email me with any questions: esconnell (at) mac (dot) com
