Hey I'm new on this page and forum and I just wanted to show my work. I'd love to recieve opinions about it.
I am from Chile and I studied a career called Digital Animation, and this is my thesis work.
It's in spanish, I'm sorry. It's the 4 first minutes of a pilot chapter for an animation series for youngsters.
It's just a project and so far I've recieved good comments, but I'd love to hear from professionals.
If I'm on the wrong forum or place to post this please let me know I'll change it inmedieately.
Thanks! And hope to hear from you all!
Esteban Lagarini.
Hope you get picked up. You story line looks interesting.
Thanks man! I appreciate it. I'm glad you could understand it despite of the language.
What programs did you use to create that? It looks really good, did you use Blender?