In the second installment on an ongoing series inviting filmmakers and artists to comment live on their film while it is shown, Nicholas Meyer will share his memories on making 1979's TIME AFTER TIME at the Aero Theatre in Santa Monica, California at 7:30 p.m. on September 5.
One of his most popular and engaging films finds Malcolm McDowell as Victorian era writer H.G. Wells, time-traveling to contemporary San Francisco in pursuit of Jack the Ripper (David Warner). He finds help and romance from shy modern girl Mary Steenburgen. A marvelously entertaining blend of sci-fi, literary history and modern pop culture, from Nicholas Meyer, the director of STAR TREK II: THE WRATH OF KHAN.
Note that Meyer will be speaking during the film screening. The experience will be different than the usual format of speaking before or after the film. If you have not seen the films previously, this may not be the event for you.