Category: Flash

Kids Headline News

A Closer Look: Pokemania, Who's Next?

Three new Scandinavian markets surrendered their airwaves to Pokemania.

Worldwide sensation Pokemon was recently sold to TV4 in Sweden, TV2 in

Denmark and TV2 in Norway. The show will hit the new territories in January

and February 2000. The international distributor, Lacey Entertainment, also

announced the sale of the Pikachu-vehicle to ATV in Turkey and Noga

Communications' Children's Channel in Israel.

The Pokemon phenomenon began in America in 1998 with the release of the

Animation Headline News

Special NATPE Issue of the Flash Is Coming!

Animation World Network will be publishing a special NATPE

edition of our weekly E-mail newsletter, Animation Flash,

on January 18, 2000. To insure all your NATPE-related news

is printed in the Flash please submit press releases to by January 14, 2000. Please put "NATPE News"

in the subject area of your e-mail.

Animation Headline News

Win a copy of Giannalberto Bendazzi's book: "Cartoons"

Sign up now for AWN's ANIMATION FLASH Newsletter and your name will

be entered in a drawing to win a copy of this comprehensive history

and critique of world animation, acclaimed as a classic work of

scholarship, and an indispensable addition to any animation library.

AWN is giving away ten copies of this prestigious book to its

subscribers by drawing lots. This exceptional Millennium drawing is

open to all new subscribers and re-subscribers who buy a yearly

Series Headline News

Y2K focused multimedia series launched

By Rick DeMott | Thursday, December 30, 1999 at 12:00am, One Infinity and Madlab Creative have produced Why2k@large which uses Flash 4 animation and MP3 streaming audio technologies to present an animated, multimedia series focusing on the approach of the year 2000. Live interviews were collected on the streets of New York City, New Orleans and San Francisco featuring what the American public thinks about the approaching Millennium.

Internet Headline News

A Closer Look: The brave new world of Internet entertainment.

During the past few weeks, it seems like everyday there is an announcementregarding a company beginning to broadcast animation over the 'net. WithLevel 13 and Wild Brain recently throwing their hats into the ring withtheir new Internet entertainment web sites, web surfers are starting to seethe beginning of a boom in Internet animation. join Harvey Entertainment, which launched realcartoons.netjust over a week ago, and Time-Warner, which launched last

Animation Headline News

Film Roman Launches Level 13

This weekend, Film Roman, Inc., producers of THE SIMPSONS and KING OF THEHILL, launched Level, an innovative multi-channel animation networkto be delivered via the Internet. Level 13 is the industry's firstregularly scheduled, animated television-like network made directly for theWeb. William Shpall, Chief Operating Officer of Film Roman, and architectof the company's Internet strategy, said, "While many of today'sentertainment and Internet leaders are still testing enhanced television

Visual Headline News

VMM bounces back - with plenty of Stretch and Squash!

Like Woody and Buzz, Visual Magic Magazine is back. After a period ofinactivity, your favorite visual effects & 3D animation magazine is back onthe web sporting a brand new look, a new way of publishing, and a renewedcommitment to providing superior articles and news to visual effects andanimation professionals and enthusiasts. The only thing we don't have isTom Hanks and Tim Allen. But that can be arranged (maybe). "Toy Story 2" ishitting our screens very soon, and of course, you can expect full coverage

Animation Headline News

Mondo Media looking for 2D Character Animators and Directors

By Guest (not verified) | Monday, November 29, 1999 at 12:00am

Mondo Media, one of the Bay Area's largest independent animation studios,is looking for TRADITIONAL 2D CHARACTER ANIMATORS and DIRECTORS who areinterested in participating in the creation of original on-lineentertainment. The Mondo Mini Shows are currently featured on Netscape'sNetcenter,, and Altavista, as well as other affiliate sites.Contract and staff positions available. Job Requirements: Traditionalcharacter animation experience; Timing; Poses; Knowledge of basic

Studio Headline News


Macromedia, the producers of popular web and graphics tools Flash, Director, and Freehand, recently announced a new product bundle: Dreamweaver 3 Fireworks 3 studio. The bundle contains new versions of Dreamweaver and Fireworks, however, both of the new versions will be available as stand-alone applications. Dreamweaver, the most popular web authoring tool available to designers, boasts several new features, most notably a new feature which allows users to customize Dreamweaver itself using Javascript, HTML, and XML.

Series Headline News

MACROMEDIA and STAN LEE MEDIA team up on new animated series, owned and operated byMacromedia Inc., and Stan Lee, Inc. have teamed up to bring Stan Lee'sfirst episodic Web animation series to life. Stan Lee, the genius behindclassic comic characters like Spider-Man, the X-Men, and the IncredibleHulk, will create his new 5-minute "Web-isodes" using Macromedia Flashtechnology. According to Lee this new venture will allow the whole world tobe part of his new creations without limitations. This exclusive dealincludes Macromedia, Inc.'s $5 million purchase of Stan Lee Media Inc.

Headline News

OXYGEN names cable programming production team

Several weeks ago (Animation Flash 9/28/99) Oxygen Media, Geraldine Laybourne's company founded toprovide content for women, announced its online production team. Now OxygenMedia has named seven executive producers for its original cable televisionline-up. CARSEY WERNER MANDABACH will oversee seven hours of originalprogramming each day on the 24-hour-a-day, 7 day-a-week cable network. Thenew appointments are: LINDA CORRADINA (former Senior Vice President,Programming and Production, VH1) will join Giselle Benetar as Executive

Headline News

Insight will distribute OXYGEN

New York City-based Oxygen Media,Geraldine Laybourne's company founded to provide content for women, hasreached an agreement with Insight Communications to distribute the Oxygencable network. Insight is the 8th largest cable operator in the UnitedStates, serving more than one million customers in six states. Under theterms of the agreement, Insight Communications will launch Oxygen acrossthe majority of its systems. The new Oxygen cable network, which launcheson O2/O2/2000, will be integrated with Oxygen's existing online properties

Design Headline News

MACROMEDIA announces several strategic moves including merger

Macromedia, the industry leader in web design and web graphics tooldevelopment, announced several moves and agreements which gear thecompany toward taking e-commerce to a new level, and making Macromedia acentral part of this growing sector's evolution. The company unveiled itseBusiness Infrastructure strategy, i.e. plans to provide 'solutions' forcontent creation, management, personalisation and management of Extranetand Internet sites.

The company also made several other significant announcements, most notably

Animation Headline News

CDIS offers Flash seminar

Burnaby, British Columbia-based CDIS is offering a one-day industryintroduction to Macromedia's Flash 4.0 on October 23 from 9 am-4:30 pm.Cost is $225, which includes lunch. By the end of the seminar, you'll knowhow to prepare graphics for Flash, use the interface, sketch and draftideas for animation and interactivity, create symbols and manipulateinstances for actions, combine the final pieces into your own 30-secondanimated banner with sound, and post the final product to the web with FTP.

Work Headline News is looking for FLASH DESIGNERS!

Set your own hours. Work on your own projects. Be your own boss. Becreative. This company is taking greeting cards to a new level of artistryand interactivity. utilizes Macromedia Flash technology toproduce the most dynamic and exciting electronic greeting cards on the Net!If you are proficient in Flash and can artistically conceptualize, here isa variety of creative jobs for you. offers freelance FlashDesigners the creative freedom to design compelling and entertaining

Shows Headline News

Netscape to carry two animated series by Mondo

San Francisco, California-based Mondo Media, Inc. has announced a one-year deal with Netscape Communications, a subsidiary of America Online, Inc., to provide Netscape's Netcenter Web site with two weekly animated shows which will be presented under the banner of MONDO MINI SHOWS. LIKE, NEWS is written and directed by Don Asmussen, a regular cartoonist for TIME and GEORGE magazines, and features a sarcastic teenager with a nose ring who "interviews" newsmakers such as Saddam Hussein and Al Gore.

Animation Headline News

Rare Back Issues of Animato! now in AWN Newsstand!

Now you can purchase more back issues of Animato!, the magazine foranimation fans. Added to the Animato! archives are issues #25, 26, 27, 28,31, 33 and 36. Subscribe to your favorite animation publications directlyfrom the Internet 24 hours a day! Already available in AWN's Newsstand are:"The Animation Flash," ""Animato!," "FPS," and "Toon Magazine."


Headline News

CDIS looking for 2D and 3D instructors

The Center for Digital Imaging and Sound (CDIS) is a leader in technicalarts education based in Burnaby, B.C., Canada. CDIS is growing rapidly andcurrently seeking applications for instructors in 2D and 3D Graphics, 3DSpecial FX, Film/Video FX, Computer and Classical Animation, Film/VideoProduction, Art and Design (Practical and Theory), Interactive Media (Weband CD), Web Design/Development, Internet Applications, Programming for Weband Game Applications, Game Design, and Audio Production and Theory. Job

Headline News

PINOCCHIO returns to VHS

Buena Vista Home Entertainment previously announced that the 60thAnniversary Edition of Disney's classic PINOCCHIO would be the first Disneyanimated feature to be released in the DVD format [Animation Flash8/24/99]. Now they have announced that a new VHS edition of PINOCCHIO,fully restored and THX-certified, will be available on the same day as theDVD version, October 26, 1999 in the US. This version will include a"Making of Pinocchio" bonus section, which will only be available on the

Animation Headline News

Animation World Mag August Acrobat Edition On-line Now!

August is a full month for Animation World Magazine as we delve into thegrowing and constantly changing fields of Computer and Internet Animation.Bob Miller goes one on one with Brad Bird, director of "The Iron Giant."And Karl Cohen interviews Rob Coleman on the making of Star Wars Episode I:"The Phantom Menace." Looking to make your own computer animated short?Mike Amron discusses the cost effective software and set ups available forsuch an undertaking. On the Internet animation side of things Buzz Potamkin

Headline News

Check out the latest ASIFA San Francisco news!

Visit the ASIFA San Francisco site in the Animation Village and check outtheir latest news. The June and July '99 issues of the newsletter are nowavailable on line with regular columns on: Magazines, Books, National News,Employment Opportunities, Festivals and Events.-->

Animation Headline News

Cartoon Network supports college club

Gary Albright, vice president of creative services and off air promotionsfor Atlanta, Georgia-based Cartoon Network, has awarded The ClassicalAnimation Society of the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) a $500grant on behalf of Cartoon Network. The society will use the money to helpfund its activitites such as last February's MULAN Event which included ascreening of Disney's MULAN, clips of various stages of animated scenes,and a workshop in layout design by Disney artist Bill Hodman. The Classical

Animation Headline News

An AWN exclusive! ANiMATO! autographed Underdog Issue

This issue #38 of ANiMATO! is autographed with paint (not ink) by Underdog creator Joe Harris. Thirteen pages are devoted to Underdog in this issue which kicks off with David Krell's "Underdog: The Canine Crusader" and closes with "Flying High With Underdog" by Leigh Anne Brodsky. In addition to drawing the original cover, Joe Harris also wrote an article for this issue entitled "Life With Underdog." Inside the front cover is Joe's full color artwork of Underdog smashing "Hunger" for the World Hungerthon and, on page 37, Joe's storyboard art for The World of Commander McBragg.

Headline News

New, special 15th Anniversary issue of ANIMATO! now available!

This issue #40 is Animato!'s special 15th Anniversary issue with 144 boundpages. Featured articles include: Gerry Anderson, The McKimson Brothers,Cartoon Network, Warner Bros., Jay Ward Voices, Flip the Frog, Bartlett,Rose, Quakenbush, Fogel, Simensky, Tartakovsky, McCracken, Mulan, a hugeAnime section and more. There's just too much to list everything! Orderyour copy in AWN's Newsstand, where you can subscribe to your favoriteanimation publications directly from the Internet 24 hours a day! Already
