Bug Fix / Problem Forum Coming Shortly

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Bug Fix / Problem Forum Coming Shortly

If you encounter any problems or other "funkiness" as you start using the new forums, please post in the Bug Fix forum. It will help us keep track of any outstanding issues.

Also, please note that the old threads will be coming. There are dozens of gigabytes of files that need to be grepped, splitup into segments, databases re-initialized, after which the data has to be translated to the new system to re-read in. It's a Herculean task and we're on it. Please be patient.


Dan Sarto's picture

Dan Sarto is Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network.

Dan Sarto is Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network.

Edited by: Dan Sarto on 12/10/2013 - 3:50am

When trying to upload a picture into the profile I do that just fine, its small enough and the file size is small, but then I click (save changes) and get this message...

"There has been an error in the upload. Please ensure that the file has been correctly selected and that the upload has taken place successfully."

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that has been given to us." ---Gandalf

I'm confused as to what the Profile Picture is for. At first I thought it was going to be my avatar, but it's not. I guess it's a separate picture for when people click on my username...?

Cool I can see who everybody is again. :)

Now how can I update my avatar?