looking for a job in animation

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looking for a job in animation

Hey there,

I am a recent graduate from the UK and am looking for my first job. Unfortunately I have not found anything that is suitable as most jobs are only open to American or Canadian citizens. I am a 2D animator and would like to know if anyone knows of any sites that advertise suitable positions for recent graduates. I am willing to relocate and to work for free is necessary, as I just want the experience and the chance to do what I've always dreamed of.

Thank you for any help that you can offer.

Oh, I have been offered a full time job in the leisure industry which I have chosen to accept (have no choice as I need to pay off my student debts). My parents think that accepting this job may ruin my chances if something animation related comes up. I can understand what they are saying but, being young, I believe that a job in another area is better than no job at all. What do you think? Can you please offer some good advice for an enthusiastic animator, trying to get her foot in the door?


i think that you made the right move, but keep plugging away at the animation stuff. there isn't as much 2D stuff going on these days, but it is still there. London does a fair bit for commercials and the like, so you probably wouldn't have to relocate too far.

good luck!