Animation Guild computer lab hours

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Animation Guild computer lab hours

Los Angeles Animation Guild members, please use our computer animation lab. Maya, Shake, Photoshop, After Effects and Flash MX, plus others.

Effective October 18, the new hours for the members' free computer lab are
as follows:

Mondays.............2 pm to 9 pm
Tuesdays............2 pm to 6 pm
Wednesdays..........2 pm to 6 pm
Thursdays...........2 pm to 6 pm
Saturdays...........Noon to 4 pm
Fridays & Sundays...Closed

To reserve lab times, contact Trell at the Guild office, (818) 766-7151.
After hours, leave a voicemail at extension 100.

Also, Guild members can also reserve a seat by emailing

Help is available with most software questions.

Please come!