Hi, This is a new flash website that I made. I know very little about action scripting and there are some things that I haven't quite figured out yet, but I'm slowly teaching myself in my spare time. Tell me what you think. Thanks.
new work in progress website
By FuriousChi | Monday, May 23, 2005 at 9:26pm
new work in progress website
In the immortal words of Charles Darwin,
"OK...but where's the missing link?"
Furious Chi makes it to the boards! As I told you before I love your website. Thanks a ton for the plug on your links page.
Keep up the fantastic work. With that demo reel it will only be a matter of time my friend.
Neversoft Entertainment
whoops! Sorry...... www.samchi.com
Thanks Rob...
I haven't updated my demo reel since December, hopefully I will get the time to do that this summer :)