Speed Greater Than 30fps

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Speed Greater Than 30fps

Is there any software than can work with rates greater than 30fps?

Actually there was some discussions over at FlashGoddess.com a year or so ago that 31 was the speed to set your stuff at, but most of them that were involved in the discussions had high speed computers and many had Macs. It doesn't work for me.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

I didn't know you were at these forums, mudbubble. Big fan of the 2 1/2-D style.

Hi ScatteredLogical.
I am here but not as frequently as I should be. Thanks for the kind words. I am trying to be more active in this forum - it's one of the better/more active ones.


Flash can, but why would you want to?

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

Though not an animator, I'm fine with anything done on the 2s and 1s, sometimes the 3s. I can't stand anything lower (4s, 6s, 8s, 12s, 24s) though----yuck! 30 fps is only used for live-action television----for any animation other than CG, 'tis ridiculous, in my opinion.

hi phacker,
31 fps derived from flash developers who found that a frame rate divisible by 11 seems to play more efficiently n the Mac player. Nobody knows why and is basically unscientific.

flash's frame rate can be set to 120 - but remember the frame rate in flash acts more like a limiter - it's not pre-rendered video format - the flash player is dynamic and renders on the fly - if the animation gets too heavy for the amount of frames it's trying to play, then chugging will prevail.
ultimately though, the human eye can not see much beyond 30fps anyway. so there's very little need for a higher frame rate - the only times i have had to use a higher frame rate was for anaimtions going to video, in which case 60fps was used due to interlacing.

I didn't know you were at these forums, mudbubble. Big fan of the 2 1/2-D style.