post your scrap animation(tests,early stuff,etc...)

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post your scrap animation(tests,early stuff,etc...)

ok i know that you have more animations than what you post here dont you?

yeah im talking about test's,failed animations,little trinkets too small to upload on this forum,early stuff,embarassing stuff.

Where is it?

Lol--like posting your baby pics on the web :p

Here's an early animation that never got past the test stage. I never even finshed the test itself!

Quack quack.

wow im impressed. :D

that animation loooked like it would be killer why didnt you finish it?

and what song is that because it works very well for the animation.

that was really good.

here is the first animation i ever made

I loved your animatic!! Really you should complete it. It was so entertaining. I love that it felt like an old short that I've already seen, and yet I still laughed and worried for the little duckling! The music was too perfect. Nice timing.

Lol, thanks guys. The music is called "Doo Wacka Doo" by Paul Whiteman. I stopped working on it because (a) I ran out of gags, and (b) the last part of the music is rediculously hard to synch. So instead, I started working on other things and forgot about it.

But, who knows? Maybe I'll go through with it someday :) .


PS. Thunderobot, I didn't know you did animations by hand. Nifty! When did you make your first animation?

I commented on DA. Nice job.

I posted this in another thread, but seems appropriate here. Mostly tests and Flash exercises.

Fun thread idea, by the way.

Producing solidily ok animation since 2001.

Now with more doodling!

:D thanks meleponine but really it was a joke more than anything.

Iv seen that site before kdiddy and i really like it especially the stop motion test. :D

Pooryorik- Why do you think im on an animation forum if i didnt animate? lol :D

I havent animated anything really good(im still learning) but here is my best animation by far

im working on an animation for my uncle and im really going for quality(since i have no time limit on it).

Iv seen that site before kdiddy and i really like it especially the stop motion test. :D

Thanks! The stop motion stuff is new. I'm hoping to do more along those lines over the next month or so.

It's going to be a while before I can update it again unfortunately (moving and then no access to broadband for the next month or so).

Producing solidily ok animation since 2001.

Now with more doodling!

I havent animated anything really good(im still learning) but here is my best animation by far

haha, i just had to comment on this again cus its so cool. The song is perfect for it. And the lip syncs arent all that bad.

i have plenty of crappy stuff i could scan. maybe tomorrow i will....or maybe i wont....haha.

"who wouldn't want to make stuff for me? I'm awesome." -Bloo

my second animation

thanks alot blinkmetoys

scan them in! :D

Here is like my second animation(not sure though) its really really extremley crappy but thats what this thread is about and it also gives you an idea of how i used to draw just 8 months ago.

look at that and then this


Pooryorik- Why do you think im on an animation forum if i didnt animate? lol :D

I havent animated anything really good(im still learning) but here is my best animation by far

im working on an animation for my uncle and im really going for quality(since i have no time limit on it).

Actually, I thought all your animated work was digital. I didn't know you did it traditional style! Excellent B-Day animation, by the way.


PS. I wish I had a cool uncle :(

Well i do color my stuff digitally(with a few exceptions)
but yeah its all inked by hand and scanned into my computer.ill probobley get a tablet for christmas and start doing some all digital stuff.I still dont know about converting completley to digital(i like the flow of traditonal).

Thanks for the compliments on my b day animation! :D

lol i never said he was a cool uncle did i? but yeah hes fun to be around with i guess lol.(point is your not missing much) :D

rough walk cycle

I actually love the look of pencil tests (sometimes more than the final "cleaned-up" product), but I'm moving myself to drawing straight into the computer via a tablet. That can have a fun look, too:

Ted Nunes -