20 Vilppu DVDs for 200.00!!

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20 Vilppu DVDs for 200.00!!

Hey there everyone,

These DVDs helped my figure drawing out a whole lot and I thought someone here at the forums might appreciate finding something like this (and much cheaper than I did). I have 1 huge Vilppu Figure Drawing Training DVD set that I'm selling. They're in mint condition without any scratches on the discs. The set includes these DVD's:

Gesture DVD,
Combining Spheres and Boxes DVD,
Cylindrical Forms DVD,
Basic Procedure DVD,
Spherical Forms DVD,
Box Forms DVD,
Hand Anatomy DVD,
Pelvis Anatomy DVD
Head Drawing Anatomy and Construction DVD #01,
Head Drawing Anatomy and Construction DVD #02,
Head Drawing Anatomy and Construction DVD #03.
Direct Lighting DVD
Indirect Lighting DVD
Lower Arm Anatomy
Upper Arm Anatomy DVD
Lower Leg Anatomy DVD
Neck Anatomy DVD
Proportions DVD
Upper Torso Anatomy DVD
Drapery DVD

You can find more information about these dvd's at Vilppu's site (http://www.vilppustudio.com/dvd.htm). They go for 30.00 a piece. I just thought everyone might like to know about getting some rather pricey art training dvd's at a very decent price.

I'm offering this set for 200.00. That's over 2/3 off for these expensive little DVD's. They would normall cost 600.00. Vilppu is an absolute grandmaster of figure drawing, watching these DVD's will transform your work. Vilppu has trained Disney and Warner Brothers animators and is a coveted art teacher in schools today. Send me an email at unitedtiles@comcast.net if you're interested.
